Previous studies have found that postmenopausal women who have taken estrogen and progestin hormone replacement therapy have a higher risk of developing breast tumors.

A recent study by scientists at the University of Pennsylvania showed that exercising lifting weights properly will help women to fight breast cancer.

A Hong Kong study said breast cancer, the deadliest and most deadly disease in this particular administration, seemed to easily attack less trained women or those who didn't

Over 90% of cancers are caused by the environment. Look at a certain angle is good news because it means that most cancers are not genetically and can be prevented.

Scientists announced that it had initially won the battle against breast cancer after discovering a defective gene plays a key role in half of all cancers in the UK.

Positive women may reduce the risk of breast cancer, Israeli researchers claim.

'Women who sleep less than 6 hours a day have a 60% higher risk of breast cancer than those who sleep 7 hours or more' in a study in Japan.

Researchers in Pennsylvania for the first time reported that nanoparticles could kill malignant tumors in humans and laboratory breast cancer cells.

The first child in the UK was genetically impacted to not suffer from breast cancer like those in his mother's recently married family in London on January 9.

Eating an apple every day will help the sisters stay away from the dreaded breast cancer, a study on mice has demonstrated.