Half of breast cancer cases are caused by genetic defects

Scientists announced that it had initially won the battle against breast cancer after discovering a defective gene plays a key role in half of all cancers in the UK.

This gene called NRG1 is also associated with 50% of bowel and prostate cancer cases; Picture 1 of Half of breast cancer cases are caused by genetic defects related to 1/4 of cases of ovarian cancer and bladder cancer. NRG1 is a tumor suppressor gene . It regulates and controls cells as well as directs them to ' commit suicide ' if the DNA in the cell is abnormally altered. If NRG1 is malfunctioning, the diseased cells will divide uncontrollably and become malignant .

Leading experts on cancer identified this finding as a big step and one of the most important milestones in the study of cancer-related genes in the last 20 years.

Dr. Paul Edwards, Department of Body Disease Research, Cambridge University, who discovered this defective gene, said: ' It has provided valuable information about how some types of cancer spread. Come on. This recommendation is not genetic and does not pass from parent to child . '

Although this new finding does not pave the way for the creation of new cancer drugs or treatments, scientists hope that it will help them better understand healthy cells turning into disease cells and How do some types of cancers stop on their own?

This latest research is published in Oncogene magazine and funded by the Breast Cancer Campaign Program and the British Cancer Research Center.

Doing housework helps reduce the risk of breast cancer

Doing housework can be considered a medicine to cut breast cancer risk, a study has shown.

Women with moderate body weight and postmenopausal physical activity will reduce their risk of developing the disease by 17% compared to women who rarely leave the sofa.

But not any activity is effective.Scientists have found that activities such as housework (cleaning the house), gardening (hoe, planting) and hiking are effective against breast cancer.Tennis, cycling, swimming, brisk walking, jumping, aerobic and jogging have the same effect.

Physical activity such as bowling, table tennis, fishing, slow walking and light gardening (weeding, watering) will not work as expected.

Previous studies have shown that physical activity has a protective effect against breast cancer, but this is the first time, a study has shown which activities are really effective.

Alone - Increased risk of breast cancer

Scientists at the University of Chicago (USA) have discovered that living stress and anxiety can accelerate the development of malignant tumors.

Although this finding is based on an animal study, experts say social relationships have a huge impact on human health and may be a new drug for cancer treatment.