Eating mangoes can prevent breast cancer

High-quality fruits such as blueberry or pomegranate have long been considered to be beneficial for health thanks to high levels of antioxidants, while sweet-scented mango fruits have not been listed.

However, recent studies suggest that eating mangoes may prevent the growth of breast and colon cancer cells.

Research by the Texas Agricultural Life Research Institute has found that while it contains only a low amount of antioxidants compared to some other fruits, mangoes' anti-cancer activity compensates for the lack of missed this.

Picture 1 of Eating mangoes can prevent breast cancer Researchers tested polyphenols extracted from mangoes on colon, breast, lung, leukemia and prostate cancers.

While this substance has only a small effect on lung, leukemia and prostate cancers, it is most effective in breast and colon cancer.

The researchers said that not all cell-protecting glands are affected to the same degree as an anti-cancer agent, but cells that cause breast and colon cancer have died. Mango polyphenols have been effective on these cells.

Mangoes also contain pectin, a substance found in diets, that helps to limit the formation of protein - substances that play a role in cancer development stages.

An Indian study conducted at the Regional Cancer Center in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala state has also demonstrated the effect of eating mangoes in preventing gallbladder cancer.

Traditionally, traditional Indian medical systems such as Unani and Ayurveda have always used mangoes to prevent cancer.

According to Dr. Ramnivas Parasher at the Ayurveda Vedanta Center, in Ayurveda, physicians believe that increased vata lead to mutations in cell division, which causes cancer.

Mango has been introduced in Charak Samhita as a fruit that controls the amount of vata and thus helps prevent cancer. This fruit is also used for all degenerative disorders.

Dr. Geetika Ahluwalia, Director of Nutrition Center at Delhi Lung Heart Hospital said that almost everyone thinks that eating mangoes leads to weight gain due to high calorie content. But eating a mango every day is good for health because it contains enough vitamins, minerals and iron.