Eating too much vegetables also does not prevent breast cancer

A diet rich in vegetables is no better than when eating moderate amounts in reducing the risk of breast cancer, the researchers said.

Study 3,088 American women. All of them have successfully treated breast cancer at an early stage, participating in research from 1995 to 2000 at 7 locations in the United States. They are monitored for 6-11 years. Half of them follow a diet with a normal vegetable intake, ie 5 times a day, the rest eat twice that amount.

As a result, people who use double fruits and vegetables during meals (besides eating a lot of fiber and low in fat) are also not better off than those who eat five times a day in avoiding recurring breast cancer or death. death due to this disease.

Picture 1 of Eating too much vegetables also does not prevent breast cancer The researchers called this the largest of its kind in assessing the effect of diet on breast cancer recurrence and said the result was almost final.

"I was surprised and disappointed," said Marcia Stefanick, from Stanford University in California, USA, a member of the research team. "We were hoping to produce another result, but not".

However, another member of the research team is more optimistic."Research results show that women are not too enthusiastic about this issue. They can live well without always worrying about their daily diet."

About 17% of women in both groups have relapsed. About 10% of both groups die while being studied, 80% are due to breast cancer.

The team also said they hoped the women would not deduce from the finding that the diet had nothing to do with breast cancer. In fact, 5 meals a day make people healthier.

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