Cauliflower can prevent 5 types of cancer

Cauliflower as well as other vegetables, contains good vitamins and antioxidants. But not many people know that it can prevent cancer.

>>>Detecting "weapons" against disease in cauliflower

Antioxidants and vitamin B in cauliflower can prevent cardiovascular disease and the following 5 types of cancer:

1. Colorectal cancer

Cauliflower is rich in fiber. Fiber provides glucoraphine which is good for digestion and keeps the digestive system healthy. Glucoraphin will protect the gastric mucosa and reduce the risk of cancer, as well as a series of stomach and intestinal diseases.

Picture 1 of Cauliflower can prevent 5 types of cancer
Photo: healthmeup

2. Prostate cancer

Cauliflower helps reduce and prevent inflammation, bleeding, especially in the prostate gland. Cauliflower is also rich in antioxidants that can prevent free radicals that cause cancer.

3. Breast cancer

Cauliflower contains natural chemicals such as sulforaphane and indole - 3 - carbinol. These substances help prevent the growth of cancer cells, especially in breast cancer cells.

4. Cervical cancer

Cauliflower may reduce the risk of cervical cancer with a combination of natural chemicals, antioxidants and vitamin C. Cauliflower is also proven to be a healthy vegetable for women, especially is in the prevention of cancer.

5. Ovarian cancer

Ovarian cancer usually has no obvious symptoms at first. However, this type of cancer can be prevented by eating cauliflower. The risk of ovarian cancer is usually higher in women who have no children, have colon cancer and breast cancer, have used birth control pills or hormone therapy.