Develop drugs that kill many types of cancer

Cancer Research Institute has successfully developed a new drug that can effectively treat many different types of cancer.

Scientists at the British Cancer Research Institute have partnered with Astex Pharmaceuticals to develop a new cancer treatment called AT13148 . Lab test results show that the new drug can kill many different types of cancer, including tumors, breast cancer and prostate cancer.

Picture 1 of Develop drugs that kill many types of cancer
AT13148 can attack the cancer cell's control center

The drug AT13148 acts as a kinase inhibitor - the protein that regulates the heart of most cellular processes, including the growth and death of cancer cells. When protein kinase is inhibited, cancer cells will stop growing and die.

'Our research shows that the new drug works against many different types of cancer by attacking many factors that control the growth of cancer cells. This result made us decide to test on people , 'said Dr. Michelle Garrett, of the British Cancer Research Institute, on the Daily Mail.

Previous anti-cancer drugs have the disadvantage of being able to attack only one spot of cancer cells. With the ability to attack the cell control center, the drug AT13148 is equivalent to many drugs at the same time, but causes fewer side effects.

'Test results show that AT13148 has the same effect as many different drugs used at the same time. This not only helps to eradicate tumor effects, but also reduces the risk of drug-resistant patients , 'said Dr. Julie Sharp, a member of the research team.