Super broccoli helps prevent heart disease

UK scientists have introduced new broccoli that can help prevent cardiovascular disease and cancer.

>>>Broccoli helps prevent asthma

Picture 1 of Super broccoli helps prevent heart disease
New varieties have 2-3 times the amount of glucoraphanin.

According to scientists, glucoraphanin helps reduce cholesterol in the blood, dissolves body fat, not allowing them to clot in blood vessels.

GS. Lars Ove Dragsted works at Copenhagen University (Denmark) saying that plants use glucoraphanin to fight harmful insects, but in humans, this compound can stimulate the anti-cancer immune system.

To create a glucoraphanin-rich broccoli, Richard Mithen and his colleagues at the British Food Research Institute cross the traditional British broccoli with wild broccoli in Italy.

After 14 years, the transformation came into being and was granted a European patent.

The genus that does not use this genetic modification technique will be sold widely in the UK and the US .

Manufacturers are also introducing a variety of nutritional supplements such as orange juice with calcium, milk with omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin D added mushrooms, tomatoes, selenium potatoes .

Many experts believe that the effect of eating nutritious food is not as great as pursuing a healthy lifestyle such as regular exercise, no smoking .