Eat broccoli properly lest harmless levels

If you're trying to eat healthier, cruciferous vegetables like broccoli should be a top priority on the food list. If you or your child is not a fan of vegetables called broccoli, then learn how to incorporate them into your daily diet for better appetite and more nutrition.

According to Medicalnewstoday, eating lots of fruits and vegetables has long helped reduce the risk of lifestyle-related diseases. Many studies suggest increasing the consumption of plant foods like broccoli in the diet to reduce the risk of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease . Not to mention, it can give you a healthy skin and hair. strong, boosts energy while helping to lose weight healthily.

According to the USDA National Nutrition Database, one cup of chopped broccoli (about 91 grams) contains 31 calories, 0 grams of fat, 6 grams of carbohydrates (including 2 grams of sugar and 2 grams of fiber) and 3 grams the protein. Just one cup of broccoli provides over 100% of your daily needs for vitamin C and vitamin K and a good portion of vitamin A, folate and potassium.

So rich in nutrition, but not everyone knows how to make the most of broccoli. Some notes that if you do not know when processing, cooking broccoli can prevent you from obtaining the nutrition as long as I thought:

Boil broccoli in water like other normal vegetables

Like many other dishes, many people think that vegetables can be boiled and broccoli is no exception. Boiled broccoli is delicious and refreshing. But cooking in the form of boiling can deplete a lot of the abundant vitamins in this food.

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Boiled broccoli is delicious, refreshing, but processed in the form of boiled can deplete a lot of vitamins in this food.

According to Assoc.Prof. Dr. Tran Dinh Toan (Director of Clinical Nutrition Institute), broccoli when boiled in boiling water, especially when it boils for too long to cook. This will lead to the situation where vitamins and minerals are dissolved in water. Evaporation of water causes nutrient evaporation. Therefore, boiling broccoli for vegetables is not the best solution for this food.

Solution: Best if you want to eat frugally, then take a brief steaming . You can also fry this vegetable to ensure more vitamins and minerals. But absolutely not processed in the form of overcooking will significantly loss nutrition. If you can eat raw broccoli, you can also eat to get better nutritional value but need to ensure supplies.

Throw away broccoli leaves during processing

We often think that eating broccoli is only using the cotton part, while the stick leaves are removed. Few know that this is a completely wrong habit. According to Health, broccoli leaves are rich in beta-carotene and this is an antioxidant. Also in the leaf also contains a lot of vitamins A and V.

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From the next times when processing broccoli, paying attention to using the leaves to steam, stir . and broccoli will help you not to waste this precious source.(Illustration)

Solution: When processing broccoli, pay attention to make use of the leaves to steam, stir . This will help you not to waste valuable resources.

Throw away broccoli stalks when cooking

A lot of people think that when eating broccoli, they only need to eat pretty ones. And the stalk is just a discarded thing, not worth the trouble. However, experts say this is a very serious mistake. Because the stem is the part with more fiber than broccoli. Not to mention, when you eat the stalk part, you will feel a pleasant sweetness. This is a great part for people who want to lose weight and control their weight effectively.

Solution: Take advantage of broccoli stalks in every cooking time. The stalks should be peeled to make the dish more soft and more attractive.

Picture 3 of Eat broccoli properly lest harmless levels
The stem is the part that contains more fiber than the broccoli.

A lot of people think that, when eating broccoli just need to take care of the lovely flowers, and the stalk is just something to leave, not to worry.

Eat broccoli when taking blood thinners

Vitamin K is found in high amounts in foods like broccoli. If you take warfarin-containing medicines that thin the blood and that diet comes with broccoli that is extremely dangerous. The reason is that high levels of vitamin K can inactivate warfarin, causing the risk of blood clotting, making it extremely dangerous for patients.

Solution: When taking blood thinners, absolutely do not eat foods like kale, lettuce, broccoli and green beans .

  1. Broccoli is a great source of nutrients that help fight cancer
  2. The vegetable is recognized to prevent 8 types of cancer but it is useless to cook one step in cooking