Broccoli prevents cancer risk among smokers.

The anti-cancer properties of broccoli and some cruciferous vegetables seem to be very effective for smokers, which is information from the group's 7th annual international conference. The American Cancer Research Organization takes place alongside other areas related to research against cancer.

The cruciferous vegetable has been proven by many studies to be able to prevent cancer, but this is probably the first synthetic study to demonstrate the ability of smokers to prevent cancer. Especially heavy smokers, that is the comment of the author - Professor Li Tang, who is currently a postdoctoral researcher at Roswell Park Cancer Research Institute. 'Broccoli is not a cure, but it is very good for smokers who have always thought they had no way to escape or could do anything about it. The risk of cancer they may encounter when smoking. And those who can quit the drug are more likely to eat these vegetables. '

Mr. Li and his colleagues participated in a study based on the actual situation of the hospital and each specific case of cancer and compared it to various light smoking. Research all vegetables and family with vegetables, and consider the different effects between using fresh vegetables and vegetables after cooking. Researchers have come up with an arithmetic calculation to carefully examine the severity of drug addiction, time and frequency of smoking.

Picture 1 of Broccoli prevents cancer risk among smokers.

The properties that can fight cancer in broccoli and in the vegetable family seem to be very effective for smokers.(Photo: iStockphoto)

Among the smokers, when their diets contain broccoli, the effect of preventing cancer from 20% to 55 % depends on which vegetables they eat and the time they are addicted. drugs as well as how often they smoke.

An example of new drug addicts, they just need to eat these vegetables to reduce their risk of cancer. For other common vegetables, scientists do not find any satisfactory results like this.

The researchers split their findings into four small types of cancer and found that the effect of this vegetable on squamous cancer and small cell carcinoma was the most positive. These two types of cancer are common in heavy smokers.

'These findings are not convincing enough to be widely publicized. However, biological evidence is very clear and agrees with observational research. According to some others found that broccoli plays an important role in the campaign to prevent cancer especially among smokers', Mr. Li said.