Vegetables help prevent disease

If the diet is carefully planned, vegetables can act as drugs, helping people prevent disease.

Picture 1 of Vegetables help prevent disease
Iron-rich spinach, plenty of minerals and other vitamins.Spinach can assist people with arthritis, osteoporosis, colon cancer and heart problems.

Picture 2 of Vegetables help prevent disease
Using lettuce helps you prevent many kinds of diseases because there are many vitamins and minerals in your vegetables.However, make sure to disinfect the vegetables thoroughly before putting them into the daily menu.

Picture 3 of Vegetables help prevent disease
Broccoli contains high levels of antioxidants, which are good for preventing and fighting rectal and stomach cancers. In addition, it contains aphytonutrients and enzymes to help prevent heart diseases. circuit.

Picture 4 of Vegetables help prevent disease
Bell peppers provide folic acid and lycopene.Some studies show that they can prevent cancer related to organs such as bladder, colon, lung and pancreas.

Picture 5 of Vegetables help prevent disease
Sweet potatoes provide energy, maintain normal digestive health and also provide enough fiber and vitamins C and A.

Picture 6 of Vegetables help prevent disease
Onions contain a compound that can prevent calcium loss and osteoporosis.

Picture 7 of Vegetables help prevent disease
Eggplant is thought to protect the heart, reducing the risk of memory loss and stroke.Use eggplant in daily recipes to provide folate and vitamin C.

Picture 8 of Vegetables help prevent disease
Pumpkin is a great source of vitamin C, fiber, magnesium, potassium and beta-carotene.According to some studies, some types of pumpkin can prevent birth defects in pregnant women.Pumpkin also helps treat headaches, dizziness, arthritis, asthma and cardiovascular diseases.

Picture 9 of Vegetables help prevent disease
Carotenoids and vitamin A in carrots work against the symptoms of cancer cells.Moreover, carrots are extremely good for your eyesight and have many other nutrients such as folic acid, vitamin C, vitamin B, magnesium and potassium.

Picture 10 of Vegetables help prevent disease
Tomato contains lots of vitamins, is a good source of lycopene for the heart, helps fight cancer and neutralizes free radicals in your body.