Good, most of the foods you buy in markets, supermarkets or aquaculture today have been domesticated for thousands of years.

Eggplant, also known by folk as

Grafting technology on eggplant root EG203 and off-season grafting tomato techniques of the Fruit and Vegetable Research Institute have been successfully applied to production in

The technical staff of Vinh Phuc cooperated with the Central Vegetable Research Institute to successfully apply the off-season eggplant-based tomato grafting method for high

Over thousands of thousands of people, with breeding techniques, people have created crops that are far from their ancestors.

In everyday life there are many types of foods that help kill cancer cells but we don't notice, these are the following foods.

If the diet is carefully planned, vegetables can act as drugs, helping people prevent disease.

There are food

Most people don't know that adding bitter foods to the diet is a natural way to remove toxins and cleanse the body.