List of types of vegetables to help the fluke nest in the body

Fasciola is caused by eating salads, eating raw aquatic plants. The disease can be dangerous for patients if not detected and treated promptly.

Recently, the Department of Examination of the Institute of Malaria Parasites regularly receives patients with common symptoms of right upper quadrant pain (liver region), fever, weight loss, indigestion, dyspepsia, and pain taste, pruritus, manifestations of cholangitis, tumor-related hepatitis and have been linked to the history of eating raw aquatic plants.

The case of Mrs. Bui Thi M. residing in Nam Tu Liem, Hanoi is typical. Mrs. M. has pain in the lower quadrant, indigestion. When she went to see a doctor, she said she had a liver fluke.

According to Mrs. M., she has a habit of making vegetables with salt and melon. This is a vegetable that lives under water. It is possible that she is infected with the fluke from this vegetable. When testing for feces, there are eggs.

Dr. Nguyen Thu Huong - Central Institute of Parasitic Malaria - Trung Van, Hanoi, said that the liver fluke causes major diseases in herbivores. Tapioca eggs under animal manure are released into the environment to develop hairy larvae, meeting Lymaea snails in fresh water to develop into tail larvae.

Loose-leaf larvae lose the tail of cyst larvae to the lower surface of aquatic leaf leaves. Infection through humans feeds on water-borne vegetables that carry larvae, when entering the patient shown at the early stages of larval infestation, the larvae penetrate the liver tissue causing a strong reaction in the human body.

Picture 1 of List of types of vegetables to help the fluke nest in the body
Image of large liver fluke in beef liver.(Nimpe photo)

At this stage, stool testing cannot find the eggs, so there must be a reaction in the blood of the human body: the eosinophilia increase, in addition to making immunological serum to diagnose the disease. .

However, Dr. Huong said that there are many cases of fasciolosis but at this stage, stool testing cannot find eggs of flukes. Physicians at this stage to clarify, need to do blood formula will see the number of eosinophils increased (over 8%), next can do more immunological serum tests with trematode antigen Large liver, usually ELISA, and liver ultrasound for liver fluke lesions.

Liver fluke can travel in other parts

A study by Dr. Nguyen Thu Huong and colleagues showed that the rate of cattle infected with fasciolosis was 58.9% -64.1%.

Among the raw vegetables eaten by people infected with liver fluke or eating, vegetables need to eat a lot of vegetables, coriander, lettuce and mint, respectively with 43.7%, 43.1%, 40.0 % and 40.0%; Lettuce and laksa leaves are 35.5% and 35.4%.

Infection is strongly related to the habit of eating raw vegetables and is common in people who eat together. In a community survey, 9.2% of families had 2-5 people with fasciolosis. In particular, there are families of 5 people with the same disease.

Large liver fluke room, according to doctors, people should not eat raw vegetables grown under water, do not drink water.

Fascioliasis is currently circulating nationwide with over 20,000 patients in at least 52 provinces / cities, so people should not be subjective. Fasciola parasites in liver usually cause tumor lesions but have mixed sounds on ultrasound, especially ELISA positive for large liver fluke antigens and eosinophils are high in blood .

It is noteworthy that the liver fluke outside the parasite in the liver, and the abnormalities of young flukes can move and parasitize in the muscles, peritoneum, colon, knee, mammary gland, subcutaneous, heart, lung, membrane lung, eye, abdominal wall, appendix, pancreas, spleen, inguinal lymph nodes, neck lymph nodes, epididymis . causing tumors where parasites are difficult to diagnose, such as the case of large parasitic fasciolosis. The lung stated above.

Especially, in our country, there have been many cases of parasitic fasciolosis under the chest, breast, calf and knee joints. Therefore, the diagnosis based on location, tumor characteristics to determine the exact disease is a very necessary and important job to have appropriate indications, help patients feel assured of treatment.

In many causes, such a tumor is caused by parasites. For example, subcutaneous tumors caused by helminth larvae, tumors in the body such as liver, peritoneal lungs, brain, testes, ovaries, etc. can all be caused by parasites. Malignant tumors in the liver, especially cholangiocarcinoma, have the role of parasitic parasites in the liver, especially liver fluke.