10 types of vegetables that contribute to incurable treatment only

Nature always gives many beautiful gifts to mankind. Naturally grown veggies are not "discarded" if we learn and know its amazing uses.

Many wild or simple vegetables grown in the garden are nutritious, fresh and pure.

Vegetables not only contain good ingredients for health but also can be high-value medicines, not afraid of side effects such as pharmaceutical chemicals.

Especially in the summer, elderly people often have a habit of believing in high medicinal vegetables to replace Western medicines because they believe that herbal medicines can be better cured if we know how to use them properly.

Here are 10 common grass vegetables in nature, which appear a lot in home gardens in almost all regions of our country, have the effect of safe treatment, long-term effectiveness.

1. Styrofoam (Toona sinensis): Add kidney, nourish long black hair, support hair growth

Picture 1 of 10 types of vegetables that contribute to incurable treatment only
Stinking leaves also have another name, Tong tuyet, Huong Xuan.

When suffering from kidney failure, dreaming, impotence, hair loss, eating some castor leaves can work quickly.

The ancients used the styrofoam leaves to treat impotence of kidneys, to help regulate the blood, to help the stomach be healthy, to treat inflammation, to stop bleeding and some other relief and cooling effects.

Styrofoam leaves can fry eggs to increase efficiency.

2. Vegetable: Preventing diabetes

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Vegetable salad has a lot of good health effects.

The vegetable is considered to be an antidote, preventing bleeding, helping to stop bleeding, reducing blood sugar, maintaining blood sugar continuously.

Vegetables have a great role in cooling, cooling the body, intestinal tract, and supporting diabetes treatment.

It is best to boil, cook soup or make a salad, stir-fry to eat.

3. Cabbage: Lower blood pressure, stop bleeding

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Beets (sauerkraut) help reduce blood pressure, stop bleeding quickly.

Beets are extremely popular by boiling or salting pickles daily, which can help lower blood pressure and stop bleeding.

Processing is also very simple, can be boiled, steamed, cooked soup, hot pot, meat wrap or other processing methods.

Note not to eat raw and not eat too much of this vegetable at the same time will not be good for health.

4. Amaranth: Anti-anemia

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Anemia is quite common in older people, children, people after surgery or blood loss, women after every menstrual period.

Eating plenty of amaranth can support blood supplementation, synthetic iron and calcium supplements, which are beneficial in blood regeneration.

The dish of spinach also has a variety of processing methods such as boiling, steaming, soup cooking, filling for fried dishes, stir-frying, cooking porridge for children.

5. Vegetable sweet potato: Helps blood, healthy spleen and stomach, clears heat, detoxifies, nourishes kidneys.

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Steamed yam.

Sweet potato leaves are rich in nutrients, sweet, cool, laxative. Can process many ways such as boiling, cooking, stir-frying. The tops of sweet potatoes are also delicious and good for health.

6. Wormwood : Warming blood vessels, preventing bleeding, hemostasis, pain relief, cold relief

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Searching for symptoms of abdominal pain, coldness, difficulty in pregnancy, irregular menstruation, vomiting blood, nosebleeds, heavy bleeding during menstrual periods; treat external itchy skin, peeling skin.

7. Peppermint: Wind can reduce fever

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Peppermint contains commonly used in the prevention and treatment of colds, sore throats and other diseases.

Serve mint with porridge or eat with fresh tofu.

8. Perilla vegetables: Reduce cold, air circulation and regulate the stomach

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People with colds or need to circulate blood or stomach unstable, should eat a reasonable amount of perilla leaves to support treatment.

Perilla can be eaten raw, cooked with other dishes or cooked drinks like tea.

9. Dandelion: Reduces swelling and cooling, good liver for bile

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Dandelion has the effect of detoxifying, swollen, diuretic and antibacterial, can stimulate the immune function of the body, plays a big role in the activity of liver function and gallbladder.

10. Title: Treatment of urinary retention, diabetes, urethritis, wet vagina, sunstroke, red eye, cough with phlegm, edema, swelling.

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Can be processed by drinking water, drying water to replace tea, making cakes .