Can fish or fresh fish be better?

The US Department of Agriculture offers an answer to the question of whether fish or fresh fish are more nutritious.

Canned fish has the advantage of being cheap, readily available. But many consumers wonder whether canned seafood is as good as fresh fish when canned.

According to experts from the US Department of Agriculture, canned fish and fresh fish have relatively equal nutrient content.

And Professor Alice Lichtenstein, director of the Tufts University's Department of Cardiovascular Nutrition, said that each type has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it is impossible to confirm which is better.

Canned fish is cheaper, easy to use, and lasts longer. But canned foods are higher in sodium (sodium salt) than fresh fish . Too much sodium will cause many diseases including high blood pressure.

In addition, many people simply like fresher things.

Picture 1 of Can fish or fresh fish be better?
Canned fish are usually processed from marine fish. Therefore, it is "more natural" than farmed fish.

According to some surveys in the US, many types of fish reared in polluted water environments, contain many substances harmful to the body.

In addition, the bones of many types of canned fish, such as sardines, are often cooked softly. Thus, we can eat the fish bones, the amount of calcium loaded into the body will be higher.

The content of mercury in fish is also a special concern of consumers, especially pregnant women.

According to Kristin Kirkpatrick, director of Cleveland Clinic Wellness, small fish contain less mercury than larger fish. And companies often use small fish for canning.

Therefore, in terms of mercury concentration, canned fish can be safer .

When choosing canned fish , oil soaked fish is better than other soaked fish , because the oil retains the nutrients in the fish. Especially Omega-3 fatty acids are good for the brain.