Things to know when eating fish

Benefits and notes when eating fish

Fish is one of the most popular, nutritious and healthy foods. However, not everyone knows if not processing fish properly will cause health risks.

Many foods, from vegetables, fruits and vegetables to dairy and meat products, can be contaminated with chemicals and other unhealthy things. Fish too, because they can poison mercury and persistent organic pollutants PCB. However, experts claim that the benefits from eating fish seem to outweigh the risks.

Picture 1 of Things to know when eating fish

Fish should be eaten every week

The American Heart Association recommends that people eat 2 servings of fish each week, especially those containing high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids. Each meal should consist of about 1 ounces of fish.

Fresh fish is not always healthier than frozen fish

Picture 2 of Things to know when eating fish

Unless you know for sure that fresh fish is of high quality, use frozen fish. Many types of fish are flashed on the ship immediately after catching. After defrosting, the fish is still in good condition. In contrast, "fresh" fish that have never been frozen may have taken a few days in stinky storage on the boat until you bought it. In fact, some "fresh" fish may be frozen and then thawed when sold at the supermarket.

People who eat fish often have a lower risk of heart disease, stroke and depression

Science has proven that eating fish regularly brings many health benefits to humans. It will help lower blood pressure, reduce abnormal heart rhythms and reduce the risk of fatal heart disease by 36%. Eating fish regularly also seems to help us reduce the risk of stroke and some cancers, and improve mood and some conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis.

Most health benefits from eating fish come from Omega-3 fatty acids

As we know, Omega-3 fatty acids help human cells to function. Because our bodies do not have enough of these essential acids, we must absorb them from food. Fish are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, especially salmon, herring, mackerel and sardines.

Picture 3 of Things to know when eating fish

Fish live in sushi and fish salad always contain bacteria and parasites

This is bad news for those who like to eat fish salad or sushi. No matter how good the top-class restaurant chefs are, eating live seafood processed by them always has a higher risk of disease than eating cooked seafood. According to the explanation of experts, fish used in sushi has been frozen briefly after catching and is only suitable to eat raw when it is destroyed all parasites. However, the only way to avoid bacteria and parasites today is to cook your fish dishes.

Eating fish can help improve memory when you get old

Fish is really a good food for the brain. Many studies have found that eating baked fish or boiled fish once a week for a long time seems to help maintain short-term memory ability of people. Eating fish also seems to help reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease and brain impairment in the elderly.

The wild fish is not necessarily rich in Omega-3 than the fish in the cage

Omega-3 fatty acid content depends on the type of fish. Some types of fish, such as salmon, herring, mackerel and sardines, are rich in Omega-3 whether they are kept in captivity or grow naturally. However, some types of fish kept in cages, especially tilapia, are fed foods containing corn flour. Therefore, they tend to produce lower levels of Omega-3 fatty acids than in nature.

Fish always have a characteristic fishy smell?

Fresh seafood always has a mild smell or no fishy smell. So, if your fish smells sour or too fishy, ​​it certainly isn't the freshest. If the fish smells unpleasant throughout the kitchen whenever you open the refrigerator door, throw it away.

Picture 4 of Things to know when eating fish

Absorb Omega-3 from eating better fish from supplemented fish oil tablets

Eat fish, don't overdo it. Most studies recommend that people eat fish, instead of taking medicine or taking supplements. Omega-3 fatty acid products may not carry the full benefits of naturally occurring Omega-3 fatty acids in fish. Some recent studies for people at high risk for heart disease have found that Omega-3 supplements and foods are actually ineffective. People with heart disease should talk to their treating doctor to see if taking Omega-3 supplements is a good solution.

Proper cooking of fish will help kill parasitic worms and parasites

Fish can carry some dangerous parasites. One of them is tapeworm. This parasite can reside in the human intestine for many years, growing to a length of 1-2 meters and causing writhing pain, weight loss and host anemia.

Picture 5 of Things to know when eating fish

Pregnant women should not abstain from eating fish

Experts even recommend that pregnant women eat up to 0.34 kg of seafood each week. Fish contain essential nutrients for a child's brain development. Studies have shown that pregnant women who eat fish regularly will give birth to children with higher IQ and learning results. However, pregnant women should avoid high mercury-containing fish such as sharks, swordfish, grouper and mackerel. Instead, choose lower mercury-containing types like shrimp, canned white tuna, salmon and catfish. Pregnant or lactating women can eat white tuna (longfin tuna), but only 1.5 ounces / week.

Fried fish is not good

The best fish for health when baked or boiled. Unfortunately, the health benefits of fish can disappear when it is thoroughly fried. Eating lots of fried foods faces an increased risk of heart disease and stroke. According to a study for older women, one serving of fried fish per week is associated with a 48% increased risk of heart failure.

Do not eat fish when hungry

Eating fish when hungry can increase the amount of purine converted into uric acid, which can cause tissue damage.

But tissue damage is the cause of gout. Therefore, to avoid the risk of gout, you should not eat fish while you are hungry.

Picture 6 of Things to know when eating fish Use steamed fish or boiled fish to preserve the nutrients inside

Do not eat fish bile

According to many Oriental medicine doctors, fish bile after being prepared into medicine can be used to make medicine to treat diseases, such as treating eye pain, red eyes, sore throat, malignant ulcers .

However, in reality, this is extremely dangerous. Eating fish bile is very easy to cause poisoning and even dangerous to life, especially carp and carp.

In fish bile, tetrodotoxin is often present. This substance is considered to have harmful effects on the nervous system causing fatigue, respiratory failure, behavioral disorders . Therefore, it is best not to eat fish.

Do not eat fish while taking cough medicine

Dietitians recommend that people who cough for a long time and who are on coughing medicine should absolutely not eat fish, especially marine fish, because it will make the condition worse and may be allergic.

In addition to cough medicine, some other drugs such as antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, antihypertensive drugs . when you are in the process of use, should avoid eating fish to quickly heal, ensure health.