Eating oily fish reduces the risk of premature death from prostate cancer

An oily fish diet will help prostate cancer patients increase their survival.

The conclusion was made by scientists at Harvard University School of Medicine (USA) after tracking 525 men with an average age of 70 participating in research since 1989, according to the Daily Mail.

Picture 1 of Eating oily fish reduces the risk of premature death from prostate cancer
Eating fish with high oil content is beneficial for people with prostate cancer

By 2011, among the participants, 222 people died of prostate cancer and 268 people died of other diseases.

When comparing the causes of death and eating habits of the above-mentioned people, the scientists found that men who regularly eat fish with high oil content reduce the risk of dying from prostate cancer from 34-40 %

Scientists say the diet seems to have a big impact on tumors in the early stages of prostate cancer.

A study conducted at the University of California at Los Angeles (USA) in 2011 also showed that fish oil reduces the number of cells that divide rapidly in prostate cancer tissues, helping the body to prevent this disease. spread to other parts of the body.

According to new research, scientists also found that patients who consumed the highest amount of saturated fat were at risk of dying because tumors were twice as high as those who consumed this substance less. .

Saturated fats are found in meat, milk, fried or baked foods .

This study was published in the American Journal of Epidemiology.