The fish has the best way of eating,

Many things in this world can make us very tired, and one of them is to look at this fish eating.

There are many things in this world that can make you tired, from work to family, love, friends .

Picture 1 of The fish has the best way of eating,
See how they eat and get tired.

But you know, everything in the animal world happens, including the most exhausting things. As the fish in the video below have a very good way of eating . writhing, making us look tired enough even if we look.

What kind of animal is that? The answer is revealed immediately after:

This is the hagfish , also known as the eel slime. Although they look a bit wrong, they are quite a special fish. They have a lot of heart, loose skin and half of the molars, which is why they have to knead themselves to digest too solid food.

Because only the upper jaw, the knot will act as the lower jaw, helping them crush food. Because of their flabby skin and "no" bones, they are easy to "drink", the heart can pump more blood into the skin to help them survive.