How to overcome fatigue after Tet

After a long vacation, everyone was tired, sluggish when returning to work. The following measures will partly help you overcome fatigue, increase energy for the body.

Tet holiday with many things like cleaning houses, eating, visiting relatives and friends . often makes you tired. Here are tips to help you overcome the feeling of sluggishness, return to normal, energetic.

Plan to return to work

According to Webmd, in order to leave the holiday sound lacking and make you tired, you need to have a specific plan to adapt immediately to the job. If you have too many backlogs to deal with, don't be in a hurry or be impatient because it will increase stress and reduce work performance. Solve things one by one and arrange alternate breaks and relaxation times when stressed or tired.

Picture 1 of How to overcome fatigue after Tet
On Tet, the body becomes tired and tired after returning to work.(Photo: Boldsky).

Physical movement

After the tiring Tet days, you should exercise a little to maintain your health and fight stress. Just 10 minutes of exercise is enough to release energy and regulate hormonal activity to balance psychology. Cycling, jogging with light intensity will help you focus on work more.

Sleep properly

You may think that the last day of the holiday should sleep a lot to compensate for energy. However, this only makes you feel sluggish and lazy the next day. So plan to get enough sleep a day before going to work to keep the spirit fresh at work.

Shopping on the last day

According to Boldsky, this is a strange but effective way to get you back to work after the holiday. You can shop for something you can bring to the office the next day. That excitement will help you overcome fatigue effectively.

Drink enough water

Every day you should provide enough for your body 1.5 liters of water. Drinking enough water helps relieve the feeling of fatigue in the body, enhances alertness and refreshment to start again.

Add nutrients

If you are really tired, add to a nutritious diet. Omega-3 fatty acids are good for boosting energy reserves and improving concentration. They are found in fish or fish oils.