4 steps to overcome sadness break up by science

The consequences of parting can cause people to lose sleep, think a lot and even reduce their immune function.

Currently, a new study published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology shows that the most effective cognitive strategy to help people overcome breakup has 4 steps.

Picture 1 of 4 steps to overcome sadness break up by science
Distraction makes people feel better overall.

  1. According to Time, the first step is to reassess the old negative things in the relationship to ease the pain.
  2. Next is the reevaluation of love.
  3. The third step is to lose our focus on sadness by thinking about positive things that are not related to the old relationship, like a favorite food.
  4. Distracting yourself can help reduce cravings, it can also help a person overcome persistent thoughts associated with disintegration.This is the fourth step.

These are 4 steps to help us overcome grief when we break up with lovers, partners, spouses .

Scientists also noted that distraction makes people feel better overall . Research co-author Sandra Langeslag, director of the sensory and dynamic laboratory at Missouri-St University. Louis (USA), said this strategy should be paid attention to how to enhance mood in the short term.

These findings are particularly relevant in the era of social media, when old photos, and the results of love, can appear frequently. All steps can make it easy for people to deal with encounters and reminders of old partners in real life and on social media.