Fatigue - Causes and ways to avoid them

Fatigue is probably one of the most common health disorders. There are many different causes of fatigue, which can be very simple due to lack of sleep but can also be very serious due to cancer. So how to find out what causes this disorder and how to deal with it?

Causes of fatigue

Lack of sleep : If you sleep less than your normal need for only 1 hour a day, you may be in a moody state and can't do the normal work you do every day. The reason may be because you go to bed late, or you don't sleep well. The older the person, the harder it is to sleep, the more likely it is to wake up and get up earlier.

Stress and anxiety : People who have to do too much work in a day without rest, feeling healthy and refreshing is a luxury. You should try not to be in a state of anxiety and stress, but find ways to rest and relax.

Athlete : In contrast to those who have to work too hard, those who sit and play are less likely to be tired. At first, every time they move, they feel a bit tired, so they don't practice anything. But because in life no one can sit forever, and every time they have to do something, these people are not familiar so it is very easy to get tired.

Picture 1 of Fatigue - Causes and ways to avoid them

Practice sports to overcome fatigue

Maintaining a moderate level of exercise for at least half an hour every day on most days of the week will help you stay away from fatigue, improve your mood and give you a feeling of well-being. Note that you should not exercise too close to bed because it can affect your sleep.

Eating habits: If you don't eat and drink properly, your body will fall into energy starvation. But if you treat fatigue by drinking a little caffeinated water, especially in the late afternoon, this situation may be even worse because caffeine not only makes it more difficult for you to sleep, but it also makes sleepless and deep sleep.

Some medications may be the culprit causing fatigue, including beta blockers (cardiovascular treatment), antihistamines (anti-allergy). Also, some anti-flu medications, caffeine-containing painkillers or stimulants also make you sleepless and tired.

Tired of how to avoid?

Reduce stress: Try to eliminate pressure, learn to say no to work and set priorities. Then reorganize activities at work and life to avoid any stress, overload. Set aside time each day to enjoy your passions, favorite jobs such as listening to music, watching flowers . or taking a break in the middle of a walk for a walk.

Exercise regularly : Every day, you must have a moderate intensity exercise plan, at least 30 minutes. In order to maintain normal physical and weight health, you can practice up to 1 hour per day. Surely after you walk, go to the garden or go swimming, even when you walk from one place to another you will see your ability to work up.

Eat well : Breakfast should be low in fat, high in fiber, with a major component of complex carbohydrates, such as cereals and fruits, for extended energy. Do not eat foods high in sugar, fruit juices and caffeinated drinks because it can make you feel heavy throughout the day. Do not skip meals, and a diet with very few calories will increase the feeling of fatigue.

Avoid drinking alcohol : Alcohol is an inhibitor of the central nervous system and acts as a sleeping drug, which can make you tired for hours after drinking, even if you only drink a few small glasses. If you drink alcohol just before going to bed, it may make you wake up in the middle of the night.

Create healthy sleeping habits : Avoid eating, reading, or watching TV in bed. Keep the bedroom cool, dark and quiet. Make a habit of going to bed and waking up at the same time, this routine will help you form a regular sleep program. Whether or not each person likes and needs a nap, if so, should only sleep for no more than 30 minutes.

Need to work at least 6 hours before going to bed to make sleep easier. Meals can help you get hungry and tired but if you eat a lot at night, you may be tired. If you can't sleep, don't turn around on the bed, but get a seat to read or relax until you're sleepy.

When should I see a doctor? When you suddenly experience severe fatigue or prolonged fatigue even though you are well rested, you must seek medical care immediately as it may be a sign of a serious illness.

MSc. NGUYEN QUANG BAY (Department of Endocrinology - Diabetes, Bach Mai Hospital)