Many people know mangoes for their delicious taste and many health benefits, but few people know the uses of mango leaves.
Tests on rats show that the beta-carophyllene compound in plant essential oils supports cell growth, helping skin wounds to heal quickly.
Fish eggs, a fruit associated with our childhood, almost everyone knows, but perhaps not many people know its effects, beneficial or harmful? Let's explore together!
According to US scientists, the chemical in an ant species in China can help create anti-inflammatory drugs, relieve pain and cure many other diseases.
Cabbage is a very familiar vegetable and thrives in the winter. However, this is a nutritious vegetable, both used for eating, healing, both for beauty ...
Crispy persimmons contain many vitamins and minerals like vitamin C and vitamin A, calcium, phosphorus, so this fruit is very good for health.
Ginger bulbs have unexpected effects in beautifying hair and treating some hair diseases that you may not have known.
A recent finding by health experts suggests that anti-inflammatory drugs have a certain effect in treating Alzheimer's disease.
Pineapple has anti-inflammatory properties, heals bruises and relieves arthritis pain. It also supports very well for digestion.
At this point, you should actively eat more cabbage for the benefits of cancer prevention, good for digestion, anti-inflammation ....