The real culprit of chronic diseases

What 'culprits' cause heart disease, diabetes and cancer? That is smoking, poor diet, no exercise, gene .? Not wrong, but recent scientific studies show that inflammation is actually the oligarch.

Matching studies has helped scientists gradually find out how and why chronic diseases can rob millions of people every year. It is the anti-inflammatory reaction in the body - a basic function of the body that helps us to heal in a short time - can lead to long-term mistakes.

Research shows that in the healing process and fighting infections, the body's metabolic function will be 'upgraded' to meet the healing requirements. In this process, the white blood cells produce extremely active substances, capable of destroying bacteria but also endanger normal cells in the long term.

Over time (many years), normal cells damaged in the previous period will become increasingly apparent, eventually altering cellular functions and laying the foundation for chronic diseases of export. show.

Fortunately, science also shows that we can intervene: with a simple diet with anti-inflammatory foods like fresh fruits and vegetables; along with lifestyle changes, we will help create natural protection fences and heal injuries in the best way.

So what is inflammation?

According to Professor Demetre Labadarios, executive director of HSRC (Association of Scientific Research on People) and Dean of the Department of Nutrition, Stellenbosch University (South Africa), inflammation is simply the reaction of the body to the injuries. entity.

If you look at the cut, you will see it is red, slightly swollen, slightly hot and throbbing. That's because the white blood cells are concentrated in this area in order to heal the damage, eliminate invading bacteria and strangers.

Inflammation is a useful, basic life function that helps to heal wounds quickly and protect life. No matter how hurt it is (due to fire, sharp objects, invading germs .) the body responds in the same way: sending the white blood team to solve the problem.

Aging: the end product of inflammation

Now, let's compare the skin of a newborn baby with the skin of her grandmother in her mid-70s. There is a huge difference here, not just perceptible but rather deep in the skin. That is, you will not be able to find any inflammation deep inside your baby's skin. But in grandma 70, it was overwhelming. Therefore, inflammation also contributes to aging.

The same principle is blood vessels. Most of us are concerned about high blood cholesterol levels and hypertension as one of the factors leading to heart disease. But in fact they are less influential than the way we think. Instead, it is chronic inflammation.

Similarly, some recent studies have also shown an association between the risk of heart disease and gum disease (gum disease is a chronic inflammatory condition).

Associated with cancer

Inflammation is thought to be associated with cancers such as liver, esophagus, stomach and colon.

Research published in 2006 in the journal Australian Medical Achievements shows that high white blood cell counts are associated with cancer-related mortality in the elderly, completely independent of their smoking and disease. diabetes, rapid increase in blood glucose levels or other factors.

Body research has shown that inflammation increases the risk of developing cancer by endangering DNA - a process that makes our cells 'transfer' faster, developing microchips that enable the Cancer cells grow and spread.

Building a defense mechanism

We all know that the aging process is irresistible and that at some point we will all have to go to the afterlife. But if we find ways to slow down this process, such as preventing anti-inflammatory reactions in positive, healthy ways, we can live longer.

In fact, our bodies are always geared towards self-protection and so healthy eating will bring positive reactions. For example, eating at least 5 types of fruits and vegetables a day and other anti-inflammatory foods will help fight the body's inflammatory response.

In contrast, there is a lack of scientific eating habits, eating a lot of processed, refined and oily foods; less fruit and vegetables, will make natural active ingredients capable of 'destroying' free radicals in the process of converting food into energy be reduced.

Not only nutrition, lifestyle also need to be focused. For example, smoking, sedentary will also cause the balance of 'force' in the body to be threatened.