Fresh water can cause 7 types of diseases

Many people's favorite hobbies may be the culprits of some dangerous chronic diseases, such as kidney stones, obesity or diabetes.

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1. Kidney stones

Studies show that drinking soft drinks is closely related to the risk of kidney stones and ureter stones. Fresh water reduces the body's ability to absorb calcium and potassium, while increasing its sugar absorption, which can lead to gravel accumulation.

2. Obesity

Studies have shown that fresh water promotes obesity, and limiting the use of this water will help in weight management.

Picture 1 of Fresh water can cause 7 types of diseases

3. Nutritional deficiency

For those who drink lots of fresh water, fiber intake, starch and protein foods will decrease. This is especially dangerous for young children and adolescents. In addition, people who drink sweets often rarely eat enough vitamins and minerals.

4. Diabetes

A 8-year follow-up survey of more than 91,000 women found that the risk of diabetes doubled in people who drank a can of soft drink or more per day, compared to those who drank less.

5. Osteoporosis, broken bones

Studies have shown a significant relationship between fresh water and reduced bone density. Drinking too much fresh water increases the risk of fractures.

6. Tooth disease

The amount of fresh water to drink and the risk of tooth disease are quite well connected. Tooth decay may be caused by fresh water that has lost the amount of caffeine, so the teeth become more sensitive.

7. Gout

Freshwater increases the levels of uric acid in the human body, and thus increases the risk of gout. Some researchers believe that excessive use of fresh water may even cause high blood pressure.