Dishes for people with chronic bronchitis

When suffering from chronic bronchitis, patients often only pay attention to the use of medication, but less attention to eating problems, especially the use of valuable foods to help prevent and treat diseases.

Traditional medicine has accumulated a lot of experience on this issue:

- Picture 1 of Dishes for people with chronic bronchitis

Strawberry leaves (Photo: clawz)

1 duck duck cleaned, marinated with 2 tablespoons of wine and spices; Take 10-15 g of shredded ginseng into the duck's belly. All bring stew, divide food for a few days. This dish helps to strengthen the heart and lungs, replenish the blood, increase the body's resistance.

- 1 pig pig, 30 g white almond, 30 g almonds, just enough spices. Pigs clean the slices, bring the stew together with tangle of almonds and almonds, add spices, 2 times a day, 1 small bowl at a time. For people with chronic bronchitis during advanced periods with fever, cough, sputum with pus.

- 10 g mulberry leaves, 10 g almonds, ginseng 5 g, 3 g samples, pear pods 15 g. All sliced, braked with boiling water in a closed container, after 20 minutes, it could be used, add 10 g of alum sugar, drink tea instead of the day.
Suitable for people with chronic bronchitis during advanced periods.

- Hens 1 child (weighs about 1 kg), the royal star secretly 50 g, room 10 g, room for 10 g, ma hoang sao Mat 10 g. The chicken is cleaned, the diced herbs are wrapped in cloth bags and stuffed into chicken belly. All bring steam to water for 4 hours, then remove residue, divide food for 3-4 days. Uses: Renewal kidneys, improve resistance and anti-cold capacity, actively prevent relapses of the disease. Each month should be made 1-2 times. This remedy should have the careful guidance of a specialist physician because the mother is a poison with poison, if improperly prepared and used in the right dosage, it will be very dangerous.

- Cordyceps, 10-15 g, placenta half. The placenta is cleaned, sliced ​​and then steamed with water and cordyceps, added spices, divided several times. Uses: Supplementing blood to nourish the blood, use kidney kidneys, use appropriately for patients in stable period.

The dishes mentioned above are quite simple, easy to find, easy to make and easy to use. The key issue is to choose the right patient and persistence when using.