11 types of diseases just need to use 1 onion to cure and very few side effects

Onions are a type of spices that are highly appreciated by Oriental medicine for its wonderful effects on health. Medications made from onions help you prevent some effective diseases.

Onion is a popular spice vegetable of Vietnamese and famous in many countries all over the world thanks to its characteristic flavor, good health effects are easy to grow and can be harvested all year round.

According to Oriental medicine, onion is spicy, sweet, warm, good for the lungs and stomach, has the effect of melting cold (welding), venting air, sympathy and kill bacteria.

The uses of health to the health are very diverse records, depending on the case to apply specifically.

Picture 1 of 11 types of diseases just need to use 1 onion to cure and very few side effects

Here are some ways to use the action to bring the effect as a medicine, the housewife if you know these effects will also be easier to apply for prevention and treatment.

1. Flu, fever, cold, headache, chest tightness, bloating

Use 15-20g of crushed onions, mixed into white hot porridge to sweat.

2. Nasal congestion without breathing

Sharpen the onions into water to drink until there is a feeling of nasal discharge.

Picture 2 of 11 types of diseases just need to use 1 onion to cure and very few side effects

3. Tri nosebleeds

Use 50g of crushed onion leaves squeezed to squeeze water, mix with a little alcohol, small into the nose, 2-3 drops at a time.

4. The wind collapsed

Pour together with baby urine to drink.

5. Victims of poison, blue face, ban of ban, cold body and paralysis

Use 100g of clean onion leaves to crush, squeeze or squeeze water and apply it to the whole body.

6. Headache due to fever

Picture 3 of 11 types of diseases just need to use 1 onion to cure and very few side effects

Prepare about 100g onions to keep the roots, washed and cooked with rice porridge until cooked. Before eating hot, add a little vinegar to quickly perspire, cool the body.

7. Insects get into the ears

Putting a handful of onions, grab the water, drip a few drops into the ear for spicy insects that come out.

8. Dangerous description, unstable

Pouring crushed onions mixed with alcohol to drink, or hot stars on the navel, until the stars cool down, do the same until you see the situation improve.

Use 20g of onions combined with 20 dried jujube, put in a saucepan with 3 liters of water. Heat until about 2 liters (2/3) are left, then drink.

9. Treat hemorrhoids while in pain

Use onion trees, both leaves and roots, cook into water, pour into pots and sit in the basin of water to soak. Do it a few times a day until you feel better.

Picture 4 of 11 types of diseases just need to use 1 onion to cure and very few side effects

People with external hemorrhoids can use onion leaves, squeeze and squeeze water, mix honey up into a mixture and apply it to the hemorrhoids, covering the residue on external hemorrhoids until the pain is relieved.

10. Urine

Chromatograms become solid water to drink, help to clear urine quickly.

11. Pregnancy or bleeding

Cook glutinous rice porridge served with hot onions.