Low IQ is prone to heart disease

A recent study by the Medical Research Council (MRC) found that people with lower IQs had a higher risk of heart disease and death.

Picture 1 of Low IQ is prone to heart disease

IQ is the second most important sign after smoking to predict the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Heart disease is the main cause of death in Europe, the US and most industrialized countries. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), heart disease and diabetes are the causes of 32% of deaths worldwide in 2005.

Those with lower education and income often face the risk of poor health and more illnesses. The study has shown a variety of reasons including access to limited health care systems and other resources, low living conditions, chronic stress and risk factors such as smoking. drug.

The MRC study analyzed 20-year follow-up data of 1,145 men and women in their 55s. The study ranked five factors that are most likely to cause heart disease: smoking, low IQ, low income, high blood pressure. and less physical activity.

David Batty, lead researcher, said: 'From the aspect of public health care, IQ can increase with the combination of early education and school-based programs'.