Superhuman intelligence is a disaster for people?

Movies and science fiction books are always excited with the idea of ​​creating a race of people with supernatural intelligence. However, two reputable experts assert that if this idea comes true, it will be a disaster for people.

Theoretical neurobiologist Mark Changizi and philosopher Mark Walker have spent more time reflecting on this issue than most others. In an interview with io9, both explained why possessing superhuman intelligence is a disaster for people.

The two scholars Changizi and Walker believe that excessive excess of intelligence compared to normal can cause negative effects on the subject, leading to poor adaptation, anti-social behaviors and both mental disorders. This new perspective is published at a time when people are obsessed with intelligence, IQ, and the pursuit of endless knowledge.

Picture 1 of Superhuman intelligence is a disaster for people?

Mr. Changizi and Mr. Walker also said that "supernatural intelligence" is a complicated concept, since we still have a hard time making an accurate definition of intelligence and elements such as morality as well as insight. cold may not be noticed.

Changizi scientist explains, the crux of the problem is how we define intelligence and how we allude when we say we want to create people with supernatural intelligence. According to him, people tend to regard intelligence not as the brain of a particularly good person, such as the ability to play chess or solve logic problems. More specifically, things that people are naturally good at, instinctively, often aren't considered to be due to our intelligence.

Mr. Changizi said, people are not aware of their brains doing these processes, so they tend to deny that they are related to intelligence.

The philosopher Walker agrees that people tend to simplify over the point of intelligence or put it in a narrow category. For example, there are people who are considered smart when they are very good at math but are almost unable to express complete and easy-to-understand sentences.

Mr. Walker is concerned, if people are equipped with superhuman intelligence, it is almost impossible to create prominence in all aspects of intelligence. He argues that, because people value different aspects of intelligence, if they enhance some smart aspect that they consider themselves important, it could lead to worse outcomes. .

For example, a person can become a mathematical genius but completely lacks the moral or "intellectual" ethics. This, according to Mr. Walker, could lead to people using their talents for bad purposes.

However, both scholars concede that there are still solutions to the problem. For Mr. Changizi, the way to make people more intelligent is to exploit the natural instincts of the brain. Meanwhile, Mr. Walker believes the most valuable thing is to enhance people's happiness. According to him, happy, happy people will be more successful in many fields, from their relationship and work to their social life.