What is Artificial Intelligence? What is AI (artificial intelligence)?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be defined as a branch of computer science that involves the automation of intelligent behavior. AI is a part of computer science and therefore it must be based on solid, applicable theoretical principles of the field.

At the present time, this term is often used to refer to COMPUTER-BASED COMPUTERS and the science of the theories and applications of artificial intelligence. That is, every kind of artificial intelligence is stopping at the level of computers or supercomputers that handle certain types of work such as controlling a home, researching image recognition, processing data. Patient data for treatment, data processing for self-study, ability to answer questions about diagnosis, customer response to a company's products, etc.

Picture 1 of What is Artificial Intelligence? What is AI (artificial intelligence)?
AI is a part of computer science and therefore it must be based on solid theoretical principles.

Cultivating: It is the wisdom of machines created by humans. This intelligence can think, think, learn, ... as human intellect. Data processing is broader, more scale, systematic, scientific and faster than human.

Many well-known technology companies have the ambition to create AIs because their value is immense, solving many human problems that humans are not solving.

Artificial intelligence brings a lot of value to human life, but also implies risks. Many experts worry that when artificial intelligence reaches a certain level of evolution, it is also the time when mankind is destroyed. Many of the films have explored this subject with a variety of perspectives, but they want to warn people of this particular danger.

Picture 2 of What is Artificial Intelligence? What is AI (artificial intelligence)?
One scene in the movie "I, Robot" talks about an evolved AI, then puts people in the "slave" scene in the name of protecting people.

It is predicted that from 5 to 10 years, the science will grow to the top. Let's wait for the latest human achievements in this field.