Astronaut riding a vacuum cleaner flying in space

The video captures the fun moment of an astronaut.

Russian-born astronaut Anton Shkaplerov, 45, has just stretched his hand out and gestures like Superman is flying slowly.

Picture 1 of Astronaut riding a vacuum cleaner flying in space
Russian astronaut Anton Shkaplerov.

In the background of R Kelly's 'I Believe I Can Fly' , this astronaut flies slowly in the ISS and turns to greet the camera.

Shkaplerov was the Soyuz MS-07 flight commander last month, taking him and two astronauts Scott Tingle (American) and Norishige Kanai (Japanese) to ISS.

The Russian astronaut is an engineer flying on an expedition bearing the number 54 and he will become the commander of the expedition 55.

'I often get the question that we can fly around ISS with a vacuum cleaner. I answered that I have never tried , "said Shkaplerov.

While cleaning up the spaceship, he decided to try using this device as a means of transportation.

Long days, even long months on ISS often make astronauts stressed. So they need a relaxing time between planned activities.