Awarding an Oscar for animals

Livesience magazine used all Oscar categories to vote on animals, insects and creatures on our planet.

Effects: This award is given to animals with the ability to luminescence or other most impressive talents.

Nomination list: Taningia Danae glow ink, Blackdragon glowing fish and squid throughout Japetella heathi.

And the winning animal is . Japetella heathi. This deep sea bottom octopus has a great ability to convert from transparent to opaque and vice versa. Under normal conditions, octopuses can see through, perhaps to protect them from being detected. But when the glowing light touched them, Japetella heathi immediately became opaque, to prevent a mirror-like glare warning the enemy of their existence.

Picture 1 of Awarding an Oscar for animals
Peacocks, candidates for the best actor award

Best sound: This technical award is given to the animal with the most standard sound.

Candidates: aphids with genitals emit a loud, loud sound, a California mantis, an Emei music frog with smooth love melodies.

And the winning animal is . aphid . This noisy creature is the insect that has the largest sound compared to body size among all species on earth. Male aphids rub its genitals into the stain on the body to create mating melodies to overwhelm the opponent.

Audio editing: This award is for the best cries of animals

- Nomination: piranha, dolphin, lion

- And the winning animal is . dolphin. Marine dolphins often mimic the sounds of other species. Recently, a flock of captive dolphins in France are discovered emitting whale sounds while they are sleeping - sounds that they can only hear from tapes in the area where they live.

Best music: This award is for animals with the most melodious tone

- Nomination: Philippine monkeys, Emei music frogs, and humpback elephants.

And the winning animal is . the humpback elephants. This fish sounds very hard, but the melody they emit is extremely diverse but there are rules to convey information.

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Marble black jaw

Chemical makeup: This award is for creatures who can change their appearance to adapt to the best circumstances.

Nomination: Marbled black jaws with the ability to mimic an octopus that mimics fish, snail Napaeus barquini with the ability to use camouflage camouflage, and cuttlefish - can mimic both color and texture of its surroundings.

And the winner is . marble black jaw. This fish is capable of 'acting' multidimensionally, imitating imitators.

Costume design: This award is for animals with the most brilliant appearance.

- Nomination: Frogs dart poison, with bright spots on the skin to warn predators of its toxicity; peacock with colorful and iridescent coat, and harlequin shrimp with colors that look like clowns.

And the winning animal is . harlequin shrimp. These carnivores are loved by many hobbyists, but their diet causes farmers to keep them in careful captivity, as they only eat live starfish.

Best supporting actor / actress: This award is for the most exotic animal behavior

Nomination: Guppies, diving beetle sperm (yes, this is not an animal), and wooden rattlesnake

And the winning animal is . wooden rattlesnake. Wood rattles seem to be indifferent, but recent research shows that they are actually quite sociable with individuals of the same species.

Best Actor: This award is for male animals with the best mating screen

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Torn bird

Candidate: a peacock with a show of colorful feathers, a taciturn bird with a fun repertoire while running and mating and launching a feather shield to cover the face and running around when not seeing anything ; Hummingbird with a performance that turns a long tail to impress males.

And the winning animal is . the tittle bird. The competition for this award is extremely intense, and the Academy of Animals does not give awards for comedy screen, but the birds are worthy of this award.

Best actress: In nature, females are not 'flashy' like males, but this award is still given to females with the best mating performance.

Nomination: butterflies (when it is cool, butterflies run after the male to mate), Wilson's waterbird (transforms the common mating role to actively 'find out'), bonobo monkey (love) sex is just one of the group activities.) And the winning animal is . Wilson's waterbird. The waterfowl bird brags the location is good and ruffled to attract male birds. Once the male was 'sawed', the female defended her partner earnestly by protecting the nest while the male took care of the young.

Best movie: The most prestigious award for the best story-contributing creature of the year.

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Nomination: zombie ants (becoming addicted to corpses when attacked by the mind-controlling fungus), glowing centipedes glow (secrete sweet syrup to defeat the enemy); and cyclops one-eyed shark.

And the winning animal is . cyclops shark. Centipedes and ants are always the same, but the strange fetus of this shark has only one, or at least extremely rare. Knowing that this shark is difficult to survive outside the mother's womb, it is also worth the small statue of the Academy.