Beautiful photos: Snow monkeys soak in hot water

Dragonflies with the liver on a snake head, brown bear decided to fight for the right to hunt fish, starlings "dance" in the air, . are the most beautiful animal images last week.

>>>Beautiful animal photos for the week

Picture 1 of Beautiful photos: Snow monkeys soak in hot water
The dragonfly was lucky to escape after it landed on a snake.The scene is recorded by photographer Adhi Prayoga.

Picture 2 of Beautiful photos: Snow monkeys soak in hot water
The great white shark swims around the cage protecting the diver off Gansbaai, South Africa.

Picture 3 of Beautiful photos: Snow monkeys soak in hot water
Snow monkeys soak in the hot lake on Mount Nagano, Japan.

Picture 4 of Beautiful photos: Snow monkeys soak in hot water
Russian photographer Elizaveta Tischenko recorded the scene of the brown bear fighting for the right to hunt fish in the river in Katmai National Park in Alaska.

Picture 5 of Beautiful photos: Snow monkeys soak in hot water
Small mice try to escape the hungry heron mine in Point Reyes, California, USA.

Picture 6 of Beautiful photos: Snow monkeys soak in hot water
The Arctic foxes play together on the tundra on Wrangel Island, Far East, Russia.

Picture 7 of Beautiful photos: Snow monkeys soak in hot water
Tens of thousands of starlings start "dancing" in the sky when evening falls in Gretna Green, England, near the border with Scotland.

Picture 8 of Beautiful photos: Snow monkeys soak in hot water
Two baby bears climb trees in a residential area in Kingston Township, Pennsylvania, USA.

Picture 9 of Beautiful photos: Snow monkeys soak in hot water
New born squirrel monkey embraces mother's back in Bristol zoo in Clifton, England.

Picture 10 of Beautiful photos: Snow monkeys soak in hot water
Ha code of children was born swimming next to her mother in the zoo in Los Angeles, USA.

Picture 11 of Beautiful photos: Snow monkeys soak in hot water
Buffaloes form a pair of 'earrings' with tree leaves entangled on the neck after it crawls through the bush in the Sabi Sand wildlife sanctuary, South Africa.

Picture 12 of Beautiful photos: Snow monkeys soak in hot water
Giant female spider mating with tiny males at the Gibbon wildlife reserve in Assam, India.