Birds live in cities up later than rural birds

Birds that live in cities and towns will be ' lazy ', rising later than the rural birds.

They will sleep longer if possible, unless often awakened by the noisy urban activities in the morning, according to experts from the British Bird Research Trust (or British Trust for ornithology, BTO) just announced July 22.

The results of the study were summarized by scientists from about 6,000 volunteers who participated in the study program: ' Observing bird's awakening time in the morning ' through BTO's online system.

Picture 1 of Birds live in cities up later than rural birds

Red-necked birds live in the city ' lazy ' to feed in the morning than red-necked birds live in the countryside (Photo: PA)

Most birds start to feed in the morning from around 7pm to 8pm but Mike Toms, head of the BTO's garden ecology team, said: 'The red-necked birds that live in the city will it is about 4 minutes later than the red-necked birds that live in the countryside, the difference in behavior is due to temperature ' .

The nighttime weather was quite cold, but the town's birds were kept warm by the heat radiating from the factories and buildings. Meanwhile, the birds living in rural areas have to bear the cold of the weather and will spend more energy to keep the body warm, so they have to take advantage of the earlier when the rays of the sun first appeared.