Body odor - a woman's weapon of conquest

Instead of buying expensive fragrances, women only need to find a way for men to realize their body odor is enough, a study concluded.

Two scientists from the University of Florida, USA, are Saul Miller and Jon Maner, arguing that the men are attracted to a natural chemical that makes up the body odor of women.

To prove, Miller and Maner recruit a group of women to conduct two tests. According to Telegraph, they asked volunteers to wear shirts for three consecutive days and nights. These women are in different stages of a monthly cycle.

Then two experts invited 68 men in the age of 18-23 to smell the clothes that the female group wore. Each person can only smell a shirt. Some men in the male group were given clean shirts that no one in the female group ever wore.

Two researchers took saliva samples from men before and after they sniffed their shirts to analyze the levels of maletestosterone sex hormones.

Picture 1 of Body odor - a woman's weapon of conquest

Artwork of Telegraph.

The results of the analysis showed that women who smelt in women during ovulation (most fertile) had the highest levels of testosterone in saliva.

Miller and Maner asked male volunteers to evaluate the attractiveness of the smell on the shirts on a scale. The results also show that women 's clothes are ovulating are most appreciated.

According to two experts, this is the first study to find clear evidence that men have a positive response to a woman's sweaty smell when she enters a fertile phase.

"In other words, testosterone levels increase when men are exposed to the perspiration smell of women who are ovulating. Those smells make them more likely to enhance the behavior of seeking partners than normal situations" , Telegraph leads Dr. Miller.

Miller said that the higher the testosterone level, the more people like to compete, yearning for power and adventure. These are the qualities that women value, especially those who are in a period of high fertility. It seems that when "catching" a woman's sexual signal, the concentration of testosterone in the body of the eyebrow increases so that they can perform risky, assertive and powerful actions to attract attention. of women.

A previous study found that women 's ability to sense smells and their ability to select partners is reduced when they take birth control pills. This result makes many people believe that, before accepting love or taking a man, women should take birth control pills to see if the "partner" is really as attractive as she thinks.