Body reaction accuses a person of lying

A liar always tries to cover up the insecurity and restlessness, they find ways to suppress the body's impulses, but invisibly make the muscles become stiff and out of control.

How to judge a person who is lying? In everyday life, how do ordinary people like us expose lies? According to Health Sina, the person who lied always revealed gaps in the body's reaction, just by observing it, you would immediately notice. Research shows that body language accounts for about 55% of daily communication. The body is under the control of more unconscious so we can from the speaker's body language to discover some secrets. When a liar often has an expression like:

Half of the upper body is stiff or disturbed

A liar always tries to cover up their lies, so it is very easy to get out of control. To prevent insecurity and restlessness, they try to suppress the body's impulses but they become invisible, causing the body to become stiff and clumsy. In some cases when the body impulse cannot be suppressed, the liar will not stop doing small movements such as rubbing his eyes, touching his body, his eyes darting to the side, his hands have a sense of excess. fumbling.

Picture 1 of Body reaction accuses a person of lying
A liar always tries to cover up their lies, so it is very easy to get out of control.

Hand blocking mouth

People who lie often unconsciously use their fingers or their hands to stop their mouths . Some even pretended to cough to camouflage their hands to block their mouths. From a psychological perspective, using a hand to block the mouth is due to the subconscious of the body that is opposing a lie, this is a psychological protection mechanism.

For example, if someone says that you like your hair today, you have to hold your mouth, and it is very likely that the person does not like your hairstyle but because it is polite to give a good lie.


Research shows that when people lie, they often laugh to reduce inner tension. However, a smile is really difficult to disguise, because the opposite person must feel the happy mood of happiness is the real smile. The true smile is when the eyes appear wrinkles, the skin around the eyes gathers close together, the whole face blends very naturally.

Picture 2 of Body reaction accuses a person of lying
People lie often fake laughs to reduce inner tension.(Artwork: News).


The eyes are the windows of the soul, when a person lies, there are many gentle movements in the eyes. For example, when lying, the eyes look up and then look to the right or the blinking speed is very fast or cover the eyes. Of course, when lying, to make the other person believe in what they say, the liar has more eye contact than usual.

The small expressions above need to put into a certain practical situation to promote efficiency. People with mental illness often appear strange expressions like that. In order to determine whether the opponent is lying or not, it is necessary to observe their normal reactions in common sense, then compare with the expressions listed above, the word is either true or false.

However, in life it is difficult to find a person who never lies. Lying becomes an inevitable thing. For example, given a gift I don't like, I should say "Thank you, I really like it" instead of saying it straight away I don't like it. Such benevolent "white lies" should not be taken too seriously.