After lying, people feel their hands and mouth are dirty and want to clean those parts.

When someone is acting suspiciously in public places, how can law enforcement officials determine whether: is he illegal?

The young couple visited a farm, the farm owner introduced a very beautiful rooster and said:

Thinking that such software can only be imported 'made in', researched in developed countries, but the product is also available in Vietnam 100% built by Vietnamese people ...

The planet has life

Scientists have found a way to make people more honest.

A new study has shown that the ability of a region to respond to the brain will become less and less when we cheat, and that will make us lie more.

New research indicates that regular lying about 10 times a week will create a lie.

One of the major challenges in life is not knowing whether people are telling the truth or not because humans can almost lie all the time.

Some experts say that people always lie for the same reason: fear. However, the fear of making someone lie in every certain situation can be completely different.