Boeing is about to unveil the space transport ship

Boeing said its CST-100 space transport vessel could transport astronauts and cargo into space starting in 2017.

The Daily Mail cited by US airlines revealed, CST-100 can carry 7-man crews, easily attach to the existing International Space Station (ISS) and the expanded structural parts that ISS will Additional in the future.

Picture 1 of Boeing is about to unveil the space transport ship

Chris Ferguson, former space shuttle commander Atlantis, now works for Boeing, said that Boeing engineers inherited experience and achievements over decades in commercial aviation to apply to interior design for This spacecraft compartment.

The human compartment on the CST-100 is neat and tidy. Light-weight chairs also contribute to the weight of the cabin.

According to Daily Mail, Boeing is one of three companies that are receiving funding from the US Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA) to develop new generation space transport vehicles.

The other two companies are SpaceX with unmanned spacecraft that has successfully mounted three times with ISS during the testing process, expected to have the first flight by the operator next year; and the Sierra Nevada Corporation with an architectural style inherited from the Dream Chaser space shuttle.