British scientist insists:

A leading scientist in the UK confirmed that humans are not alone in the universe and extraterrestrial beings have the same shape and intelligence as humans.

"Alien creatures exist and resemble humans"

Biologist Simon Conway Morris , a leading expert on the evolution of Cambridge University in the UK, says the ability of extraterrestrial organisms to evolve somewhere in the universe is very high.

Picture 1 of British scientist insists:
Scientists claim that alien creatures are evolving and resembling humans.

He presented ideas about the development of alien creatures in a new book called 'The Runes of Evolution'.

Picture 2 of British scientist insists:
Portrait of the leading scientist in the UK, Simon Conway Morris.

In the book, Morris gives a theory about the convergence of evolution . According to this theory, evolution takes place in certain directions, not a chaotic process.

'If my doctrine is correct, alien creatures certainly have head and limbs, are capable of abstract thinking and even orgasm - like humans ', the professor commented.

Morris reiterated that life may appear on planets with moderate surface temperatures so that water can exist in liquid form. The number of planets is quite large. ' So I believe that the number of creatures with human-like intellect in the universe is great,' Morrirs argues.