extraterrestrial creatures
Aliens have not appeared after all these years, while there are billions of planets out there? Humans perhaps not so lonely?
Belief in the existence of aliens probably dates from ancient Egypt, Babylon and Sumerian times, although in those societies, people consider the universe to be supernatural.
Finally, the US Government has acknowledged the existence of Area 51 (Area 51) - this long time still covered with a mysterious veil of studies of extraterrestrial organisms.
The research has just been published in Science Advances magazine (USA) on 11/4 opens the possibility of proving an alien creature residing in the solar system.
In recent years, scientists have discovered that many planets may be eligible for life to grow, the problem is that at the current level, humans have not been able to go there to
Many people, including world-renowned leaders and scientists, believe that not only extraterrestrial life exists, but that they have repeatedly visited the earth with UFOs.
A leading scientist in the UK confirmed that humans are not alone in the universe and extraterrestrial beings have the same shape and intelligence as humans.
An unidentified flying object research group (UFO - believed to belong to aliens) in Winnipeg, Canada analyzed 14,617 cases
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James Fox, a Hollywood film director, said he would hand over $ 100,000 to the person providing evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial spacecraft.