Build a robot who knows how to tattoo

Would you like to receive a tattoo from a robot? Try the feeling for the world's first tattoo robot to create unique tattoo patterns while you sit in a chair.

For millions of years, people have always been interested in tattoo art and soon tattoo artists will be competing with robots. A group of designers from France said that the world's first tattoos created by industrial robots have shown that these heavy machines can handle complex tasks.

Picture 1 of Build a robot who knows how to tattoo
Tattoo robot on human leg.(Photo: Autodesk).

The scene of the test will be a yellow machine arm touching a sophisticated spiral on a volunteer's leg, while he is fixed on the chair. The project was performed by two designers Pierre Emm and Johan da Silveria in the Autodesk Pier course at San Francisso Bay. And this is not the tattoo program they first made. In 2004 they improved the MakerBot 3D printer to make it possible to tattoo on human skin.

This project is funded by Autodesk's "Creative Artist" program. The team tested the ingenious ability of industrial robots with a new technology. It is using Fusion 360 (a 3D design software) to create the habit on the robot's arm. "We want to see a large, rigid, robotic arm performing clever interaction with people. Our research really focuses on the increasingly intimate relationship that people can build. with a machine in the not too distant future , " explained David Thomasson, an Autodesk member.

To create tattoos, the process begins with scanning parts of the body, the researchers explained. Once the body has been scanned, the data will be converted into a language that the robot can understand and it will be uploaded to a graphic design software called Dynamo , which will create images above. The surface is scanned. These commands are then exported and instructed the robot to exactly what it must do.

Picture 2 of Build a robot who knows how to tattoo
Interface of Dynamo.(Photo: Autodesk).

In the past, industrial machines were thought to be very dangerous to humans and they were always kept away from humans so as not to cause injuries. So for this project to become a reality, researchers have to make sure that it is absolutely safe for human health."In order for their studies to be accepted and not to violate the health and safety of everyone, the group had a detailed working session and received lots of advice from others. The team was working hard. to find a solution, " said Thomasson, a member of the group.

At the beginning of the tattoo, the robot will engrave a spiral circle on the volunteer's skin and the ink begins to drip down his feet. The team must take effective measures to ensure that the foot of the tattooed person does not move during the process. They fixed his feet in the chair. Despite careful preparation, the group was also very anxious to wait for the first drawings of the robot, but it turned out that those worries were only redundant.

"All the energy has been burned to focus on the robot's arm and the arm is focused on a tiny point - the tip of the needle. When the first strokes are drawn, everyone in the room holds their breath and The tip of the needle touches the skin and begins to move to create the tattoo, resulting in a beautiful and elegant tattoo that was born , " Thomasson said.