Can change personality

Can a mad ambitious man become indifferent to the times? What about a guy who doesn't do anything, so he turns into a fame enthusiast? A leading psychologist of personality has confirmed that human personality can change.

Thought exists for a long time that the human personality imprinted in the blood is now shaken.

"Previous studies on twins imply that everything was preprogrammed, the character has permanently imprinted in your genes , " said psychologist Carol Dweck at Stanford University, USA.

But research on this static personality is mainly based on the definition of personality, including 5 characteristics, including: extrovert, integrity, comfort, openness, advancement. Although these factors are important in human character, but Dweck thinks it is not the most complete definition, this model lacks hidden aspects that are also very important in character.

Picture 1 of Can change personality "My view is that there is a huge area between what we have not talked about, and that is the beliefs that people develop so they grow and learn , " Dweck said.

For example, the fact that a person sees intelligence as something that is immutable or changeable will have a strong impact on their behavior. These two ways of looking at yourself are developed from a young age and contribute a lot to personality."It has a big impact on their motivation and achievements. It plays a role in business and social relationships, in whether people can resolve disagreements or not, and whether they can stand. wake up after failure ".

When Dweck researched students at Columbia University, she found that those with invariant notions of intelligence will only focus on strengthening their intelligence, but therefore less motivated to learn and dare to try. challenge.

Dweck has shown, "when you change your beliefs, a series of important things happen: student motivation changes, scores increase, managers become better mentors, and talkers. judge more successfully ".

When children and even adults are taught that their abilities and personality can grow and change, they will easily get up after stumbling blocks.

Similarly, in emotional relationships, people still say that certain types of characters, or zodiac signs, are like water and fire and should stay away from each other. But Dweck's research shows that water and fire can still be adjusted to become harmonious.

"It's just that beliefs and beliefs can completely change," Dweck said.