Read your personality personality through a Japanese test

With only two simple but very reliable Japanese steps, you will know what your personality is.

If you are a knowledgeable person, you will find that some of the big businesses in the world such as Google, Apple . still often use personality tests in each of their recruits.

It is all about the purpose of finding employees who are suitable for the working environment of the company, because in addition to skills and creativity, integration is also one of the important factors.

So to see that personality tests always get high reliability and a solid scientific basis. Today, try to find out how your personality is going through the " USA UNO SANO URANA " test of the country of the Rising Sun.

The test is based on the activity characteristics of the two hemispheres of the brain . Each of us has different brain activity, and this difference will create very specific habits of each person.

From these habits, we will know ourselves using the left-hemisphere brain with characteristics of reason, language, analysis, calculation - or right brain - feeling, intuition, imagination and creativity. .

The test has 2 steps:

Step 1: Knitting 10 fingers together and see:

A: The left hand thumb is on top

B: Right thumb on top

Picture 1 of Read your personality personality through a Japanese test
Knitting 10 fingers together.

Step 2: Circle your hands in front of your chest and watch:

A: The left arm is on

B: Right arm is on

Picture 2 of Read your personality personality through a Japanese test
Cross your arms over your chest.

Is it done? Now see what your movements mean.

Picture 3 of Read your personality personality through a Japanese test
Combine words from two movements to get results about your personality.

It can be seen that each hand movement will correspond to two phrases U and SA. The combination results from two movements, we will have the personality of each person.


1. Female SASA

  1. Personality: Likes to conquer and dominate, is extremely sharp, is a typical steel woman. This may be a trusted friend, but it is scary to confront this person.
  2. Love: Often think too much before starting a relationship, leading to self-control. Moreover, carefulness can make these people easily let go, instead of clinging. Moreover, because of their domineering personality, they still appear to be overwhelming even when someone confesses, so it is often difficult to find a lover.

2. Female USA

  1. Personality: Being a good listener. These people themselves have a gentle, peaceful look, always listening always understanding. The downside is that it is difficult to refuse when begged.
  2. Love: Often led by the nose in love, though their judgments are based on reason. When they are no longer in love, it is difficult for them to run out of boats if people keep dragging and not letting go.

3. Female UU

  1. Personality: Very instinctive, enthusiastic and charismatic. These people cry, laugh at any time, but that is true love. Thanks to this sincerity, female UU is often loved by friends.
  2. One of the most instinctive things of UU women is when shopping: Toàn buys things that he never uses, simply because he likes it.
  3. Love: Completely based on emotions. These people do not judge others, but rely on their feelings for them. If the lover betrays, the UU female will cry very sadly and completely lose faith in the person.

4. FOLLOWING female

  1. Personality: Strong, calm and rational analysis. Being with this person will give you a sense of trust.
  2. Love: Always define goals through emotional control. These people can analyze very calmly whether the opponent is the right person for me. And when it was aimed at someone, the SAU female would do everything to maintain the fire of love.
  3. Deep inside the powerful look is a romantic fire that is so beautiful that no one is good.


1. Southern SASA

  1. Personality: Live extremely rationally. These people seem to use the left brain primarily. They act based on reality, sticking to the process and the numbers. However, these are quite hard people, often not noticing the feelings of others, so they are easily understood and stubborn.
  1. Love: A snail in love for the desire for perfect empathy. They always create a perfect image in their minds, but when faced with real situations, react slowly, then close themselves. In return, this is a very faithful guy, even if the opponent is cold and turned his back on him.

2. South USA

  1. Personality: Conceive, wholeheartedly for friends. Although it looks cold, these are guys who value friendship, always act intuitively and behave with a resolute attitude. Being a very reliable friend.
  2. Love: In love, they are very confident, so it is not surprising that these guys saw girls very easily. Once you have identified the person who has feelings for you, this person will do everything possible to bring the story to a perfect scenario. Often love deeply, so jealous is also terrible.

3. Male UU

  1. Personality: Optimistic, always believing in intuition should be very confident. These people are also honest and straightforward, though sometimes too straightforward hurt others.
  2. Love: Consider yourself first, so it's easy to let go of your love. Because of his optimistic personality and overconfidence, often . misunderstands the feelings of others for him or becomes illusory.

4. Male SAU

  1. Personality: The mind likes to think and is very good at analyzing situations. For them, everything must have a reason. Because they are good at analyzing, these are people who can make very reliable contributions, but often do not pay attention to the opinions of others.
  2. Love: Love is based on . success rate. They often aim for long-term relationships instead of love. These seem to be boys of marriage and family.