We often find it difficult to sleep in the first night in a strange place. This case is called the medical term

You see people and look at you in the mirror will see our bodies seem very symmetrical: on the face, both sides have ears, eyes, nose in the middle ... So actually our bodies are

Many religious thinkers since ancient times believed that everyone had a soul. This view is supported by the philosopher Plato (424 - 348 BC) and René Descartes in the 17th

Sometimes your mind thinks and chooses this, but your hand takes something else, how to explain it. Is anyone controlling you?

With only two simple but very reliable Japanese steps, you will know what your personality is.

Do you think that people use a small part of the brain, men are more logical, women are more emotional, bigger brains are smarter ...? That's wrong.

When you act to make others angry, you should say sorry to the right ear to increase your chances of forgiveness.

If you want to increase the likelihood of success when asking others to do something, say the request to their right ear, according to the scientists' suggestion.

People need to use both hemispheres when communicating. That was the result of a study published in the journal Nature (UK) on January 15.