10 things about the brain

Do you think that people use a small part of the brain, men are more logical, women are more emotional, bigger brains are smarter .? That's wrong.

1. People only use a small part of the brain

Perhaps you are a sci-fi movie fan like Limitless or Lucy? If it is true that people only use a small part of the brain, we can easily remove part of the brain when needed without any consequences. But unfortunately, this is just a misunderstanding.

Picture 1 of 10 things about the brain We are not Lucy.People do not often use 100% of the brain at the same time, not just using a small part of the brain.(Photo: Universal)

Scientists say that people do not often use 100% of the brain at the same time, but many people forget the important phrase " infrequently " and " at the same time ", causing false understanding.

2. By the age of 20, everything related to the brain went downhill

In fact, this is partly true. The ability to think fast, remember our information often peaks at age 18 and then gets worse and worse. But a recent study shows that in addition to being wiser than through years of experience , we can also be really smarter after age 20.

For example, the ability to do basic math, using vocabulary will continue to improve until we turn 50. The ability to read other people's emotions and recall recent events only begins to subside from the age of 30.

3. Your personality depends on whether you are the left or right brain

Recently, there have been many types of tests to see if you are a left-brain or right-brain person, thus deducing personality with a " standard hundred percent " affirmation. But the truth is that there is no evidence that the personality depends on which hemisphere dominates the subject.

In the understanding of the present mankind it can be seen that even if one of the hemispheres of the brain is more involved in specific tasks, neither side is absolutely dominant in any individual. For example, the left hemisphere of the brain often has the advantage of language. Interestingly, this rule is true for about 95% of left-handed people while only true for 70% of right-handed people.

4. Alcohol kills nerve cells

This thought probably stems from people using pure alcohol as a disinfectant. But in fact, alcohol in the bar has little effect on the number of neurons in your brain.

A 1990 study of the brains of alcoholics who did not drink alcohol revealed that even when taken regularly, alcohol had an almost insignificant effect or impact on the number or density of brain cells. .

However, heavy drinking can affect the connections between neurons and how the brain processes information. A recent study in the Journal of Neuroscience showed that people who drank alcohol daily significantly reduced the level of neurogenesis (the growth of neuronsesis ) in the brain that handled learning and memory.

Picture 2 of 10 things about the brain In fact, the alcohol we drink in the bar has no effect on the amount and density of the brain that affects the connection between neurons and how the brain processes information.(Photo: Flickr)

5. When there are so many neurons, it is only for the rest of the life

In 1998, the Swedish team showed that the hippocampus - an important brain region in forming new memories - continues to generate new neurons until we get old. In 2014, another team's study found new brain cells produced in striatum - the part that plays a role in controlling motor, motivation, and decision making.

That is, while most brain cells are formed during fetal development, certain areas of the brain continue to generate new neurons in subsequent periods.

6. Drugs make your brain hole like honeycomb coal

Drugs only create chemical chaos in our brains, not "physical holes" in its structure. For example, heroin changes the level of neurotransmitters, attacks the brain, and attaches to specific receptors that affect the way we feel pain and reward.

7. Which species is bigger than the big brain?

Absolutely not. The best example is that cows have bigger brains than chimpanzees but are they smarter than chimpanzees? No. of course.

What about the ratio of brain to body weight? Not right. The ratio of human brain is very large (1:50) compared to 1 horse (1: 600) but compared to mice, we are only equal to the ratio of the rat brain to the body it is 1:40 but every equal Scientific evidence shows that humans are the smartest species.

8. Men are more logical, women are more sympathetic

It is true that there are differences in small brain anatomy between men and women but there is no link indicating the difference in ability between the sexes. Instead, most evidence suggests that gender differences as mentioned above are a result of more "cultural expectations" than brain structures.

Picture 3 of 10 things about the brain The more logical a man is, the more empathetic women are because of cultural expectations and not about brain structure.(Photo: Flickr)

For example, women tend to do better than men when participating in emotional and empathetic intellectual tests. However, Laura Helmuth at the Smithsonian pointed out: This is often true but when the test subjects were told that men completed the tests well in the tests, suddenly the real man did it again. as good as or better than women.

In contrast, a 1998 study by the University of Waterloo (Canada) showed that when women and men take a difficult math test, women - even those with good math knowledge - did worse than men. But if the participants were told in advance that men and women had performed equally well, they performed equally well.

9. Each person fits a different way of learning

It is often said that each person will learn better by different ways, the person who learns quickly by listening, who likes to be intuitive. But psychologists compared their test results after they used one of their two preferred methods or other methods and found that there were no differences , test results. Their investigations are the same.

10. Without the sixth sense, the person has 5 senses

Oh no, besides that mysterious sixth sense and 5 senses: hearing, touch, taste, smell, sight we have many other senses to feel the outside world like: Sensory organs on balance (Equilibrioception), Proprioception, Sensory pain (nociception), Sensory temperature (Thermo (re) caption), Chronoception, Internal perception of the size Interoception.