Do you think that people use a small part of the brain, men are more logical, women are more emotional, bigger brains are smarter ...? That's wrong.

Recently, scientists found that in the Earth's crust there is a layer of rock with high adhesion and very hard, this may be the cause of the heat in the Earth can not escape out.

Large speed insects called jumping cicadas can jump about a hundred times longer than its body length. Now scientists have discovered the secret of cicadas: they possess bow-like

A marine biology study shows, the strange structure of hammerhead sharks is a transcendent feature that allows them to observe with wide viewing angles of up to 360 degrees.

The latest ESO image reveals incredible detail in the complex structure of one of the largest and brightest nebula in the sky, the Carina Nebula (NGC 3372).

For the first time, scientists from the University of North Carolina, USA, have completed finding about one-fifth of the HIV gene structure.

Rhino horns have many special shapes so long people have been weaving many stories around them. Some cultures claim that they are disembodied by witches and physicians.

According to new experimental evidence due to the collaboration among researchers at Stanford Linear Acceleration Center of the California Department of Energy, RIKEN Spring-8

This is a breakthrough medical discovery, which in turn can help find more effective treatments for the disease.

The explosion of information taking place in the world in the last two decades may lead to changes in the human brain structure.