Strange things about the body
The human body is an amazingly smooth machine, with rhythmic and precise movements, creating everything from memories to mucus. There are many complicated mysteries that we don't know about the body, including the lovely ones that also have horror things.
You may not know what your body tastes like
Your abdomen secretes a destructive acid
There is a dangerous liquid that no security measures can confiscate from you, because it is in the gut. Abdominal cells secrete hydrochloric acid , a decomposing compound commonly used to process metals in the industrial world. It can soften iron and steel, but the lining of the abdominal wall keeps this toxic liquid safe in the digestive system, to break down meals.
Body position affects memory
You can't remember the day you asked her to marry her? Try kneeling. Very symbolic memories in our senses. A fragrance or a sound can remind a whole childhood. A new study has shown that the past will be recalled faster and better if the body is in the same position as the posture that we performed in the past.
Broken bones to balance minerals
In addition to supporting internal organs and muscles, bones also help regulate calcium levels. Bones include calcium and phosphorus, in which calcium is essential for muscle and nerve cells. If this component is missing, some hormones will cause the bone to fracture to increase the amount of calcium in the body until a suitable density is reached.
Most foods serve the brain
Although it accounts for only 2% of total body weight, the brain needs up to 20% of the body's oxygen and calories . To keep the brain always receiving adequate resources, three main arteries regularly pump oxygen into the brain. When one of these lines is blocked or broken, the brain cell lacks the energy needed to function, causing stroke.
Thousands of eggs are not used
When a woman reaches the age of 40 or 50, the monthly menstrual cycle controls hormone levels and ovaries to be ready for stopped fertilization . A woman's ovaries will produce less estrogen, and cause emotional and physical changes throughout the body. The undeveloped eggs will begin to shed less. On average, a puberty girl has 34,000 undeveloped eggs, although only about 350 of them are mature in the entire life span (with an average of 1 fruit per month). The unused eggs will be atrophied.
Puberty changes the brain structure
We know that hormonal changes are necessary for development and for the body to be ready for reproduction. But why do puberty cause unpleasant emotional changes ? Hormones such as testosterone affect neurodevelopment in the brain, and changes in the brain structure cause changes in behavior. For example, areas in the pre-mature cortex will cause emotional awkwardness, poor decision-making ability, and negligence.
Nose hair for infusion of mucus
Most cells in the body have cilia to perform certain functions, from digestion to hearing. In the nose, cilia helps lead mucus from the nasal cavity down to the throat. Cold weather slows down the process of leading water, causing the mucus to stagnate, causing you to get a green nose. Thick nasal mucous membranes also cause nasal congestion.
Wisdom teeth "harmless"
Evolution is not perfect. If it's perfect, we have wings instead of wisdom teeth. Sometimes useless features still remain with the species because it doesn't harm anything. But wisdom teeth cause a lot of trouble for people, even surgery. Since long ago, wisdom teeth have the function of chewing raw meat. But as our brains grow and the jaw is reconstructed, wisdom teeth become redundant, which makes us have a cramped mouth that sometimes costs money to extract.
(Photo: lisawhiteman)
The world laughs with you
Seeing who yawned also makes you yawn, similar to a smile. A new proof that laughter is a focal point for society to imitate each other. Hearing laughter stimulates the brain region associated with facial movement.Imitation plays an important role in social communication. Clues such as sneezing, laughing, crying and yawning are a way to create social cohesion in a group.
Your skin has 4 colors
Your skin may be ivory white. The blood vessels near the surface add red strokes. Yellow also points to the painting. And finally, dark pigments, due to the reaction with ultraviolet rays , create black in large areas. These 4 colors blend in different proportions to create the skin color of everyone on the earth.
(Photo: VNE)
In the morning you are taller than the afternoon
On average, you are about 1 cm taller when you wake up in the morning. This interesting phenomenon is caused by the excess liquid between the intervertebral discs in the spine . While you sleep, this liquid is added. During the day, your body is subjected to a standing posture, so the discs are compressed and the liquid seeps out. This results in you losing a bit of height if you measure in the evening.
Your body can produce heat to boil about 2 liters of water in just 30 minutes
The human body can produce heat from all day-to-day activities such as exercise, food metabolism, maintaining homeostasis, when you perspire, sniffing - exhaling, breathing secretion and urination.
Human bones are 4 times stronger than concrete
Do you believe that a matchbox size bone can withstand more than 8000 kg? In fact, human bones are 4 times stronger than concrete.
The human body glows
The startling truth is that perhaps few people know that we are like fireflies, the body can glow in the dark but the light we emit is so weak that the naked eye cannot see.
The ability to remember scent
Our nose is capable of remembering about 50,000 different scents.
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- Learn about 'horror' things in the human body
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