Explaining the strange things on your body

Only men have the pharynx, why there are 3 nipples, dimples on the cheeks will disappear when you get older . are things that many people wonder.

Try testing whether I really understand the human body:

1. Why do some people have two eyes with two different colors?

a. Due to receiving too much light
b. Not enough vitamins
c. Due to injury.

Correct answer: c

Not only is it unusual for animals when one eye color is one, iris disorder is a rare disease in humans. Too much or too little pigment in the iris in one of the eyes causes this condition. That can happen due to genes or an eye injury.

Picture 1 of Explaining the strange things on your body
Many people have two eyes with two different colors.(Artwork: Reddit.com)

2. If you were born with extra fingers, it is usually a finger:

a. Next to your little finger
b. Thumb edge
c. Between

Correct answer: a.

Born with more than 10 fingers or toes is quite common. For every 1,000 babies born, one child suffers from malformations of fingers. Excessive fingers are usually smaller than other normal fingers in the hand and may not have bones inside. They do not harm your body. The majority of the excess finger grows next to the little finger. The surgeon can easily remove this excess finger when the child is over one year old.

3. People born with a tail:

a. It is true
b. Just a legend

Correct answer: a

The situation is very rare but sometimes there are babies born with "tails". It is actually the excess of the spinal bone that grows longer than usual or deviates. A "tail" may be more common in people with congenital diseases such as spina bifida. Surgery can eliminate this condition.

4. Who usually has more than two nipples?

a. Man
b. Women

Correct answer: Men

If you know someone who has three nipples, it's usually male. It could be warts or moles.

5. Foot and diaphragm membrane:

a. Will separate themselves later
b. Need surgery

Correct answer: Need surgery

The condition of membrane sticking hands and feet should be separated by a surgeon. Sometimes it is just the skin sticking to the fingers and toes together. In other cases, they share blood vessels and bones. About one in every 2,500 babies born has a condition of hand and foot membranes.

6. Children with double teeth are normal

a. It's correct
b. False

Correct answer: a.

Young school children have two rows of teeth (in the upper jaw or lower jaw) that look strange but not too worrying. Approximately one third of babies still have baby teeth when their baby's permanent teeth have grown behind. You will often see this phenomenon in the first permanent teeth of the lower jaw. If your baby's teeth persist for too long, they may cause toothache or other problems, so take your child to the dentist. Your baby may be removed from the milk tooth if it does not loose and fall off.

7. Is it only men who have pharynx in the neck?

a. It's correct
b. False

Correct answer: b

Some girls also have pharynx in their necks. Small, round lumps in front of the throat are really "sound boxes" or larynxs and develop during puberty. In boys, the larynx grows larger and that is why you can see the prostate clearly in men. It also makes the voices of the eyebrows deeper.

8. Some dimples will disappear when you get older

a. It's correct
b. False

Correct answer: a.

The beautiful dimples on the babies' cheeks may not last forever. Dimples are often found where the muscles on the face intersect. You can clearly see the cheek when one of the biggest muscles moves. But they can change over time or disappear. If you have dimples, then it is easy for your child to cheek like parents.

9. What is the task of the appendix?

a. Do nothing
b. Bacteria storage
c. No conclusions yet

Correct answer: c

For a long time, appendix was once considered a "lazy person". Some experts think it doesn't even work. Best of all, you will still live well without it. But some scientists argue that appendix contains good bacteria when we need to digest food.