10 strange things of the body when sleeping

While you sleep, your body is doing a lot of "crazy" things that you can't imagine yourself.

1. Body temperature drops

As soon as you are about to go to sleep, your body temperature begins to decrease. Dr Michael Breus, clinical psychologist, sleep expert in Scottsdale, AZ, USA and "The Sleep Doctor's Diet Plan" author, said sleep will help you lose weight better. This temperature reduction sign helps the brain release melatonin, which affects the circadian rhythm and tells your body it's time to sleep. The lowest body temperature is around 2:30 am, so if possible, raise the temperature at that time for an hour or two by using a heater or hugging your spouse to sleep so your body feels warmer. .

2. Weight decreases

According to Dr. Breus, you lose water through sweat and breathe out moist air at night. If you sleep only four or five hours a night, you can cancel any diet and exercise you are doing during the day. To reduce your waistline, sleep at least seven hours a night.

3. Height increases

You will not notice this exactly, but your body may be taller while you sleep."The discs in the spine act like pads between the bones and will become larger because the weight of the body does not put pressure on them and press on them as if you were standing," Dr. Breus said. If you have a good mattress, tilt your body to one side and sleep curled up like a fetal position. This is the best position for you to be taller because it helps reduce the pressure on your back.

Picture 1 of 10 strange things of the body when sleeping
Photo: cbc.ca

4. Blood pressure and heart rate decreased

When you are resting, your body does not need to work hard to pump a lot of blood, so the organ system works slowly. Blood pressure needs to be reduced at night so that the heart muscle and circulatory system have time to relax and repair, Dr. Breus said. This is especially important for people with high blood pressure. They need to sleep for at least seven hours to reduce the risk of heart disease. And if you have sleep apnea, treat it immediately because it can cause nighttime hypertension.

5. Muscle temporarily paralyzed

Lisa Shives, MD, a sleep specialist at Evanston, founder of Northshore Sleep Medicine (USA), and a medical expert for SleepBetter.org, said the muscles were temporarily paralyzed. It looks very scary, but it really helps you control your actions in dreams. Comedian Mike Birbiglia (USA), a writer and star of the dream movie With Me met a rare condition called REM behavioral disorder. In his performances, he shares the danger of sleepwalking - when you can do anything strange in the middle of the night. Therefore, it is very useful to be paralyzed when sleeping.

6. The eyes twitch

During REM sleep (rapid eye movement), your eyes will move from side to side. Dreams occur during REM sleep. You may feel most alert if you wake up immediately after having gone through all the stages of a sleep cycle, during which REM occurs at the end of this cycle. Although there is a difference in each person, a sleep cycle usually lasts 90 minutes, so try to sleep fully in this 90-minute cycle. For example, you may find it easier to wake up after 7.5 hours of sleep (5 cycles) than after 8 hours of sleep (5 ⅓ cycles).

7. You can reach 'orgasm'

Just like the man capable of erection during REM sleep, women are also sexually stimulated at the time. The brain is more active during REM (when you're dreaming), so it requires more oxygen. As a result, blood flow throughout the body increases."There is a natural clitoris elasticity because blood will flow to that area and make it stretch," Dr. Shives said. That makes you more likely to orgasm. This has not been confirmed by scientists, but please continue to experiment.

8. You are more likely to 'fart'.

You will feel strange to hear this, but at night, the anal sphincter is loosened slightly, so it will be easier to give an hour or two of 'farting'. Luckily, your sense of smell (and your spouse) is decreasing during sleep, which is why the fire alarm system was invented, because it's hard to smell anything while you're sinking. to sleep So, even if you are bloating, be assured: No one can detect it.

9. The whole body has spasms

"When people are falling asleep, many of them may experience a generalized seizure, and that's perfectly normal , " Dr. Shives said. And about 70% of people experience this phenomenon, in which muscles suddenly jerks (hypnic jerk) while they sleep.

10. Skin produces more collagen

Collagen is a protein that helps strengthen blood vessels and creates elasticity for the skin. When you sleep, you are in a hungry state, so growth hormone is created for fat cells to release stored energy, as when it is burned, growth hormone also stimulates collagen development."Before you go to sleep, you should use facial moisturizer. Because they contain retinols and retinoids that increase collagen levels, help your skin fight harmful free radicals and wrinkles," Melanie Palm, MD, dermatologist. Willow of Solana Beach, CA, clinical tutor at the University of California, San Diego, said.