The discovery of a particular protein has helped scientists answer questions that haven't been answered in thousands of years.

Throughout the length of history, there may not be any sumptuous and expensive feast by the Lunar New Year Tet party in 1874 by the Qing Dynasty, Cixi, China.

The human body is an amazingly smooth machine, with rhythmic and precise movements, creating everything from memories to mucus. There are many complicated mysteries that we don't

Eggs of the largest elephant bird on the planet, with a length of 28 cm. The live bird's egg on the cliff has a sharp tip that can spin the circle

You are interested in exploring? You can also a people who like cooking? So when are you curious, why do the eggs have an ... egg shape? First, observe a chicken egg. Just like

Charles Darwin - evolutionary father - has collected some eggs during his trip with the HMS Beagle. One of these was rediscovered at Cambridge University (England).

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