Normal indicators when evaluating a semen test

Map semen is one of the most basic and indispensable tests when an infertile couple visits. Through the semen, people can preliminarily evaluate the ability of the husband to give birth, towards the tests that need to be done next and give treatment.

Currently, a number of centers use methods of semen analysis with computer support (CASA: Computer - Aided Semen Analysis). However, with the standards set by the World Health Organization in 1993, the traditional microscopic examination method is still recognized and used by the vast majority, because it has a major degree. relative relative high.

Analysis of a semen sample

In order not to affect the results, the test sample should be taken correctly, the sample after being brought to the laboratory will be evaluated for mass (observed with the naked eye) as well as microscopic (observed under the microscope vi).

Observe the general

Semen samples when put into the laboratory will be placed in incubators to assess separation. Normally, the sample will completely dissolve after about 15-20 minutes. If the test sample is not dissolved or dissolved incomplete, abnormalities in prostate may be suspected (most commonly prostate inflammation).

Picture 1 of Normal indicators when evaluating a semen test
Semen samples when put into the laboratory will be placed in incubators to assess separation.

After the sample has liquefied, other factors will be evaluated, including semen volume and color. Normally semen is grayish-white, slightly opaque and homogeneous. If the semen is yellow, it can be caused by urine in the process of sampling or infection. The pure and dilute semen samples often have little or even spermatozoa.
Abnormal volume of semen can also suggest some unusual causes. On average, the volume of each male ejaculate is about 2ml.

In addition, semen samples were assessed for pH. Usually, semen is alkaline, with pH fluctuating in about 7.2 - 8.4. In cases where there is no sperm attached to a pH 7 test sample, the cause may be due to vasectomy.

The sample after being evaluated will be observed under a microscope (microscopic).

Observe the microscopic

Samples were evaluated for mobility, sperm count / semen, survival - death rate, presence of leukocytes and normal sperm shape.

The motility of the sperm will be evaluated under the 40X objective. Depending on the movement speed, the sperm will be divided into 4 groups:

Picture 2 of Normal indicators when evaluating a semen test
The motility of the sperm will be evaluated under the 40X objective.

  1. A: Mobile sperm comes forward, fast.
  2. B: Moving sperms move slowly.
  3. C: Mobile sperm in place.
  4. D: Sperm does not move.

To calculate the number of sperm in a ml of semen, after diluting the semen with the appropriate ratio and making the sperm immobile, a counting chamber is used, inside there are many small cells inside.

The sperm shape will be observed in a 100X objective, after being stained with a special method (Papanicolaou). Abnormalities may occur in the head, neck or tail of the sperm.

What is a result of normal semen analysis?

The World Health Organization (WHO) has published the following normal semen analysis indicators:

  1. Semen volume> 2 ml.
  2. Sperm concentration> 20 million sperm / ml.
  3. The sperm motility> 50% mobile sperm, or 25% mobile sperm very quickly.
  4. Sperm morphology> 15% has a normal shape (according to very strict standards).
  5. Leukocytes
  6. Anti-sperm antibodies <50% of sperm are coated with antibodies against sperm.

Notes when evaluating results

Picture 3 of Normal indicators when evaluating a semen test
If the semen is abnormal, it should be done at least 2-3 times to evaluate, test and compare.

  1. Sperm is produced from sperm cells, located in the spermatophores of two testes.After being formed, the sperm will move into the epididymis.It is here that sperm's maturation process will be completed.Sperm from birth to adulthood requires a period of 10-12 weeks.Epidemic when ejaculating includes: sperm and semen.Semen is secretions from the prostate (1/3 volume) and from seminal vesicles (accounting for the remaining 2/3).There is only one abnormality in the process of spermatogenesis or of the above-mentioned glands also affecting the results of semen.
  2. How to get the semen is correct, time to abstain from sex before semen collection (3-5 days) and the time of analysis of the test sample must be within 1 hour after taking the sample.
  3. If the semen is abnormal, it should be done at least 2-3 times to evaluate, test and compare.
  4. The results and normal standards of each laboratory semen in hospitals are different, so the results may not be the same.
  5. To know the ability of a man to have a child, it is not possible to rely solely on the results of semen.Some people still have normal babies even though semen results have low or weak sperm count.In contrast, normal semen can not guarantee that person can definitely have children.In order to assess the ability to have children as well as how to treat them, it is necessary to assess on the basis of examination and test results of both spouses such as age, time of non-use of contraception, accompanying diseases, how were they treated . not just based on the semen results.

Instructions on how to read blood test results
Instructions on how to read urine test results