There was a way to know men were infertile

The presence of a more or less protein in a man's semen can determine whether he has children or not. New findings, published in Molecular Medicine , can lead to ways to test men's fertility or new forms of contraception.

Researchers at the Feinstein Medical Research Institute in New York have isolated a substance called macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) in semen samples collected from 68 infertile men and 27 people with reproductive systems. healthy

Picture 1 of There was a way to know men were infertile Samples were collected from men after a 3 to 5 day intercourse abstinence and randomly analyzed by scientists.

Researchers found infertile people with either MIF or too high or too low levels. Meanwhile, healthy men have moderate levels of this substance.

MIF was discovered more than 40 years ago, playing an important role in the immune system by promoting inflammation. It is produced by sperm cells and released into semen. Other studies also find MIF plays an important role in sperm maturation.

About 15% of couples who try to get pregnant for the first time experience problems. About 40% of infertility problems are caused by disorders in the husband. Al-Abed and colleagues are trying to understand the additional issues that arise due to MIF."MIF itself is not a poison," Al-Abed said.

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